> What big bad oil funds?

What big bad oil funds?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The dirty little secret is big oil is one of the crony capitalist industries that lobbies Washington for special favors. It doles out money to Washington special interests and it gets special favors. It pays for many things like the programs you mentioned. Some of it is probably for PR, some of it is for payback, and some of it may be from some in the corporation that actually favor that sort of thing. This weird idea that corporations are composed of anti-environmentalists isn't true. It is composed of individuals, some which are quite liberal. It just makes those who demonize Exxon Mobil to look like real conspiracy nuts to me.

Rumour has it that they're also responsible for that clicking sound you sometimes get in your jaw. That, and deliberately standing on snails, barbequing dolphins, and turning beautiful ponies into industrial adhesive.

That’s chump change. Even the millions that they spend funding Deniers is trivial.

What Big Oil really funds is Big Oil – and Exxon is betting its money on the reality of AGW. That’s the reason it is investing billions of dollars and trading shares of US oil fields to Russia in exchange for access to the Kara Sea and other Arctic oil reserves.

The deal only makes sense for Exxon if global warming is real and Arctic ice continues to melt. No one has ever accused the people who run Exxon of being stupid. Duplicitous, yes; but, not stupid.



These companies make these donations to keep some of their stock holders happy and to create a more positive image of themselves. They fooled you didn't they. They have still been raping the environment and consumers for decades. Grow up


American Gas Foundation, BP, PG&E Corporation [gas & electricity], Shell Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation


Strategic Partners: Entergy, Shell

“Last week, Purdue Solar Racing took home first place in the Battery Electric division at the 2013 Shell Eco-marathon. The winning run reached an efficiency of 78.1 m/kWh (a miles per gallon equivalency of approximate 2,630MPGe)….”


“Last week, Purdue Solar Racing took home first place in the Battery Electric division at the 2013 Shell Eco-marathon. The winning run reached an efficiency of 78.1 m/kWh (a miles per gallon equivalency of approximate 2,630MPGe)….”


Major Contributors: Duke Energy, Rockefeller Brothers Fund


“Green Energy Futures is a project and a journey that seeks to share the stories of green energy pioneers who are doing incredible things just below the radar of the conventional media.” Gold Sponsors: TD, Shell


“Green Energy Futures is a project and a journey that seeks to share the stories of green energy pioneers who are doing incredible things just below the radar of the conventional media.” Gold Sponsors: TD, Shell


America’s WETLAND Foundation – Found 1 October 2013

“The America’s WETLAND Foundation is supported by a variety of organizations, foundations and corporations that want to elevate issues facing the Gulf Coast…We would like to especially thank our lead “World Sponsor,” Shell, for their early and generous support of the Foundation….”

Sustainability Sponsors: Chevron – ConocoPhillips Company [crude oil & natural gas]

National Sponsors: American Petroleum Institutue


“Last week, Purdue Solar Racing took home first place in the Battery Electric division at the 2013 Shell Eco-marathon. The winning run reached an efficiency of 78.1 m/kWh (a miles per gallon equivalency of approximate 2,630MPGe)….”
