> Unfalsifiable climate science?

Unfalsifiable climate science?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It would be nice if the IPCC would come up with a scenario that would falsify CAGW but everyone knows that will never happen.

IPCC: "If temperatures don't rise more than 0.2C in 50 years with continued rise in atmospheric CO2 then we can conclude that humans are not the dominant force in global warming."

50 years later, after no rise in temperatures...

IPCC: "We failed to take into consideration the missing heat, Chinese aerosols, stadium waves, stratospheric moisture, volcanic activity and Sahara dust that mask man made global warming. Man made global warming is a fact and our confidence level that man is the main cause is now 100 per cent."

The claim that global warming relies on unfalsifiable claims is nonsense.

Is the law of gravity falsifiable? Yes it is Try this experiment. Hold a rock up in the air and release it. If the rock doesn't fall, you will have falsified the law of gravity.

But can global warming be falsified? I can think of three ways.

1. Perform the experiment with this apparatus.


2. Burn all of the oil,gas and coal on Earth. If Earth is still cold, I will admit that AGW is not a problem.

3. Find a new cause of the warming. Construct diagrams that look like these


Draw one graph that excludes the new forcing, one that includes both the new forcing and carbon dioxide and one that includes the new forcing and excludes carbon dioxide. If the one which best fits the instrumental record is the one which includes the new forcing and excludes carbon dioxide, you will have disproven AGW.

You link also include falacies about the Christian faith. The idea that the time of the second coming of Christ was invented because He didn't show up at a few days after He left is wrong. Jesus said that we do not know when He would come before His death on the cross.

"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour." (Matthew 25:13)

Sure it is falsifiable. Only when these things happen, the statements are then claimed to mean something else, or that falsification has not happened because we really meant to say something else. When the planet stopped warming as models projected, they put out a paper saying you need 17 years of no warming before you could say that. Now it's been 17 years, and they are saying look to the oceans.

Great, another engineer who believes Climate Science is basically what he studied.


There are no facts in your link. Just another rant by someone who thinks he knows just as much as real climate scientists. If you want to actually learn something, stop searching the web for the most obscure blogs which just happen to share your opinion on AGW and actually study some science.

This isn't limited to AGW, it is how all liberals view the world. If things aren't going as predicted or planned then something interfered, the problem they perceived (which usually doesn't even exist) was worse than they thought, you haven't given it enough time, or we simply haven't invested enough into their ignorant solution. When all that fails they appeal to what they perceive as being "the right thing to do anyway".

Chem flunkies latest question illustrates how followers prefer ambiguity, and think semantics is a good argument for AGW science. He didn't say it would stop snowing he said children would have to learn about snow by visiting a museum.

Every intelligent person on earth knows that AGW is a lie. But even some of these intelligent people put their faith in their High Priest Al Gore over their real knowledge, for various reasons.

Quote by Nigel Lawson, former Chancellor of the Exchequer of UK: “In Europe, where climate change absolutism is at its strongest, the quasi-religion of greenery in general and the climate change issue in particular have filled the vacuum of organised religion, with reasoned questioning of its mantras regarded as a form of blasphemy.”

Quote by Nobel Prize Winner For Physics, Ivar Giaever: “I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.”

You see, many of the zealots on this site believe in Al Gore rather than the earth itself. The earth has cooled for over a decade. Yet the level of CO2 has risen in this time. Who are you going to believe? The earth or Al Gore? You can see that these zealots on this site and elsewhere, will claim to throw Al Gore under the bus, while adhering to his tenets.

Let us know how you are doing with that weather. If your power stops, we will miss you.

An article by : "WHO THE HELL AM I?

I the hell am an engineer, graduated quite some time ago from the University of Portsmouth and living and working in Poole. It’s not the world’s best town but it is in the world’s best place. I am married with two daughters and have seen enough of the world to justify my comments about Poole.

I love sailing, cars and motorsport, photography, drawing, history and science but never seem to find the time to do nearly enough of any of them."

Well - he must be the world authority


This article predicts that we will have a lot more unfalsifiable science, because falsifiable science could be the death of AGW