> What are causes (natural and man made)of global warming?

What are causes (natural and man made)of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
ok so green house gases cause global warming. Some examples include methane, co2, and o3 which is ozone. anyway human activities such as driving, breathing, and using fossil fuels release co2 into the environment. Eating red meat also releases methane into the atmosphere because cows release large amounts of methane. Oh and green house gases trap heat and keep that heat in the atmosphere..scince the industrial revolution climate change has gotten much worse and that is because we release so much more green house gases today then we did 100 years ago.

hoped that helped!

The connection, if any, between global warming and human activity is unclear. The natural causes are also still just conjecture.

My own opinion is that humans have nothing to do with global warming. There have been many ice ages before humans existed. The last great North American ice age involved an ice field called the Wisconsin Glacier, which receded around 20,000 years ago.

If global warming is man-made then explain the ice age.

Cows Farting.......What...Im not lying.....The fart out serious amounts of Methane

I'm doing a debate project for if global warming is natural or man made and I need some facts on the causes of global warming. Can someone please answer me because I have been searching all over the internet and only found the basic and major causes.