> Was this years awful hurricane season do to so-called "global warming"?

Was this years awful hurricane season do to so-called "global warming"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Isn't everything due to global warming?

In fairness (which is not in the greenie vocabulary) back in the year of Katrina these so called saviors of the earth were crowing on how the abundancy and ferociousness of the hurricanes was a TRUE sign of global warming. So live by the sword, die by the sword. Ha! Ha! It is just like the snow we now see outside our houses this early in the cold year. That was going to be a never never occurrence according to Al Gore by this time. Ha! Ha No hurricanes and a lot of snow. Two facts that the greenies once claimed as definite signs of GW are now facts that they are running from faster than a French retreat.

Just look at this scaremongering of the greenies which gives the lie to Jonathon and Jeff M.


Direct quote, "The world could see as many as 20 additional hurricanes and tropical storms each year by the end of the century because of climate change, says a study out today."


Global warming has had plenty of affect on the hurricanes. Miami Hurricanes were a power house until the 1992 UNCED meeting where the Rothschild cabal invented the ideology of climate change. Now the Miami Hurricanes are terrible and no longer are a powerhouse due to climate change.

Lying again I see. How many of your posts are filled with rubbish like this? The number of hurricanes is expected to decrease while the ones that dob form are expected to be more intense. Your own link even states changes in number of hurricanes remain uncertain. Do you just decide to post something find a site on Google that talks about it then link it without even reading it? There have been numerous times just in the past week where what you state in your question has nothing to do with the link you provided or states the exact opposite.


"A large increase was seen in the number and proportion of hurricanes reaching categories 4 and 5 ... These increases have taken place while the number of cyclones and cyclone days has decreased in all basins except the North Atlantic during the past decade"


"The model projects nearly a doubling of the frequency of category 4 and 5 storms by the end of the 21st century, despite a decrease in the overall frequency of tropical cyclones..."


"...the proportion of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes has increased at a rate of ~25–30 % per °C of global warming after accounting for analysis and observing system changes. This has been balanced by a similar decrease in Category 1 and 2 hurricane proportions..."

this had to be the worst hurricane season ever, 15 class IX hitting the gulf coast, especially the gulf states of Georgia and S. Carolina, totally devastated, nothing left. then the 11 class XII hitting the atlantic seaboard with Houston left in ruins and Mobile a now ghost town. it was the worst of the worst, the death, the destruction, bodies still in the streets, oh the humanity

Science is all about having a comprehensive view that considers ALL the evidence available and ALL of the better theory at hand. You continually demonstrate the EXACT, DIAMETRIC opposite mindset -- picking the narrowest of isolated details with no evidence of being comprehensive in view. Nothing you say exhibits anything except the pure opposite of a scientific perspective.

No surprises there.

EDIT: I forgot to add -- check out 2014's typhoon season in the western Pacific ocean (not west from your provincial US viewpoint -- so keep awake and realize that "west Pacific" means places like Japan.)

No, it is a perfectly natural cycle which has repeated millions of times throughout history.

To suggest that mankind can "kill the planet" is the height of arrogance, the planet can kill us, but not because of anything we do.

We cannot blame this years or the last years huricanes or lack of hurricanes on global warming, for the simple reason is we have not had any global warming for 18yrs now.

most likely

Scientific consensus and peer reviewed papers proved to us what we already knew - so-called "global warming" is the reason why we are seeing more and more hurricanes, and even stronger storms on a yearly basis. The National Hurricane Center even created 2 more classes of hurricanes - the Cat VI, and the Cat VII storms to go with the previous class 1-5. Does the shear number and strength of Hurricanes we had in the Atlantic Basin this year prove that man is killing the planet?
