> Should ALL Global Warming researchers paid with Government grants be freely examined and freely accessed without pay-wal

Should ALL Global Warming researchers paid with Government grants be freely examined and freely accessed without pay-wal

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Don't complain about researchers and pay walls. Every scientist I know would much rather have free access to their papers Pay walls are set by the journals, and many let the researcher pay more (more money from the grant) and allow free access. Some government entities require that science paid for under the grant be published with open access. While I like that idea, it costs more. Someone has to pay for publication, eliminating pay walls would mean that costs are being transferred from those that read the articles (who may be in other countries or states and contributed nothing in taxes) to the researchers and hence the organization that paid the grant.

I would like to see more scientific journals that provide access to their materials online (at least, after 6 months or a year or something) without a pay wall. And, if there are reputable journals in the relevant fields that do this without charging extra, I would not have any problem with requiring that any research paid for with government funds be published in one of those journals (which would also be an incentive for more journals to meet these requirements.

But, on the other hand, I would have... issues with making scientists who get government grants somehow specially point out their names to those who may wish to harass them. And I don't have any problem with people working on government grants getting a reasonable salary for doing so. Remember, if a scientist gets, say, a $500,000 grant, that's not money that goes in their pockets. Some fraction of it may be for their (considerably more modest) salary, but the rest will be for equipment, supplies, assistants, computer time, and other expenses.

That would be only reasonable. That could stop a lot of fraud.

Phil Jones, 'If they ever find out there's an FOI here in UK, I think I'll delete the file rather than hand it over.'

Real scientific and honest, wouldn't you say? Ha! Ha!

Previously, he had told someone,"Why should I hand you my data when you're just trying to find something wrong with it?"

A real 'trusted' scientist. Ha! Ha! Just like the 'trusted' ones by Y!A.

Yes, we paid for the data, we should be able to peruse what we paid for. Why would you buy a car and let someone else be the only one to drive it?

All Real Scientists invite peers

that's why the Denier Movement fails

Pay walls are set by the science journals. You are free to subscribe to any that you choose. The one with the most climate change research is Nature Climate Change.


I it only $200/year to subscribe. Certainly you will subscribe if it is really important to you and you think you can understand the papers. I don't know what else you are wanting.

If you just want researchers names, use Google Scholar.


IMHO, yes. All non-classified research paid for primarily or exclusively by taxpayer dollars should be required to post 100% of their data and any electronic materials online.

I think paying for access to studies that interest you in journals are fine. I believe everything a researcher does should be available through the FOI act though.

By your logic, how do you accept the military, or Republican office holders, or the police , fire fighters, and teachers?

How do you get your car or teeth fixed, without going to someone that profits from telling you that you have a problem?

Maybe it depends on whether the government grants included funding for making the data public.

On the other hand, if you live in Nebraska, S. Carolina, or N. Carolina, maybe you should demand that those states release the reports that they paid for and received.



Does that include classified specifications for guidance systems for infrared guided missiles?

That is something ISIS would like to see made public.

Yes, if they are paid with government money (that would be our money), then we should have access to what it was spent on or wasted on.

Sounds quite logical. 'WE' paid for it ....

ask the publishers. it is not the scientists.
