> Did Bill Nye really shred a 'Climate Change denier' as Yahoo claims?

Did Bill Nye really shred a 'Climate Change denier' as Yahoo claims?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Someone changed the category again. I am reposting this question to give everyone a chance.

Bill Nye is a reliable Marxists. That is his science "credentials". I remember that idiot from probably 30 years ago and I recognized the fascist for what he was then. Sure, he sprinkles in a little science, but in reality I have no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't last long on any real debate on actual science.

Note, once again Pegminer demonstrates he believes a woman can't be a real woman unless she is a socialist so he can't resist mocking conservative women again. I am sure he can't wait to mock any minority who isn't a fellow Marxist while labeling those who aren't Marxists as racist. I realize you would have to be pretty stupid and gullible to have that kind of mindset but it is demonstrated over and over again. Actually, I just assumed Nye was a scientist because there are plenty of idiotic scientists out there but Palin, Blackburn, and Bachmann are all conservatives. They just aren't stupid. Can't we all agree, that we don't all agree. Hopefully there will be a small message sent to the statists tomorrow. They may fool lots of people lots of the time, but when given enough time, people get sick of the results of their policies.

What is consistent Peggy is your leftist political ranting. Anyone that disagrees with you is a racist. Those you listed are conservatives. You aren't fit to shine James Inhof's shoes but because you think your leftist political delusions are science, you rant and insult and are really too ignorant to realize it. You are the quintessential product of indoctrination. I don't blame you too much. You can only use what you have to work with. I'm just not going to tolerate it without pointing out the facts as I see them.

No he did not. It is not possible as John Oliver has already demonstrated that anytime Bill Nye is debate with a climate skeptic, he needs all the backup he can get.

My answer hasn't changed, so I will copy and paste it. Let's see if you pick the known liar Maxx again.

Many of our congressional representatives are painfully ignorant of science. She says that neither she nor Nye is a climate scientist, but she certainly doesn't want to listen to climate scientists either, that's the problem. It's not that Bill Nye is a brilliant scientist, it's that he is a realist that doesn't deny what is widely accepted in science, and people like Rep. Blackburn (alas, from my home state) do.

It's become common for Republican politicians to say "I am not a scientist" and pretend that there is some active debate going on in the scientific community about whether we should be worrying about global warming or not--and that's simply not true. Anthropogenic global warming is a problem that we need to address, not deny.

Let's stop pretending it doesn't exist and try to find the best way to deal with it. Perhaps there are free market solutions that would be acceptable to conservatives, but denial is not the answer.

EDIT: I see that Jim Z has once again launched into one of his incoherent rants, where everyone that doesn't think like he and his brethren are labeled as "Marxists". He gets lost in some weird thoughts about what a "real woman" is like, proving that he is not only a Communist baiter, he is also sexist. I don't dismiss Palin and Bachmann because they are women, I dismiss them because they are politicians that are either ignorant of science or choose to lie about it, putting them in the same category as James Inhofe and Ken Cuccinelli. Unfortunately neither sex is immune from stupidity and dishonesty.

Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), ... blithely dismissed his contention that climate change is real, saying “Neither he nor I are a climate scientist … what we have to do is look at the information we get from climate scientists.”

Well, maybe she should listen to scientists.


"The finding that the climate has warmed in recent decades and that human activities are already contributing adversely to global climate change has been endorsed by every national science academy that has issued a statement on climate change, including the science academies of ALL OF THE MAJOR INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES."


"With the release of the revised statement by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists in 2007, no remaining scientific body of national or international standing is known to reject the basic findings of human influence on recent climate change."


SO, virtually all of the scientists, from countries around the entire world, think that global warming is a problem. Why do so many relatively uneducated people, who honestly don't understand the physics involved, think that they are smarter than the scientists, who, in many cases, have Master's, and PhD, degrees? That is the problem that we're having -- the number of people who don't understand, or don't care, that the earth really is warming.

http://www.rkm.com.au/ANIMATIONS/carbon-... <== here's the physics.

'As it turns out, there is a real Flat Earth Society and its president thinks that anthropogenic climate change is real. In an email to Salon, president Daniel Shenton said that while he “can’t speak for the Society as a whole regarding climate change,” he personally thinks the evidence suggests fossil fuel usage is contributing to global warming.'

Yes, like how he humiliated Ken Ham, but deniers have tribal thinking with tunnel vision,

like this guy http://ecowatch.com/2014/11/03/climate-c...

As I said last time that was not a debate, she was given 24seconds to make a statement and zero chance to reply to Bill Nye rambling on, including saying the big lie that they all say "the problem of global warming is that it is too rapid for this earth to cope" I have never seen a shred of evidence backing up this claim, if you have evidence please show it. as far as I am concerned 0.8C in 100yrs is not rapid at all.

Yeah, I think his comparison to flat earthers was the real home run.

Reminds me of one of those sunday preacher shows where the preacher "shreds" non believers.

I'd say he pretty well shredded her there.


Someone changed the category again. I am reposting this question to give everyone a chance.
