> There are some 100,000 giga tons of fossil fuels left, and the ocean can store some 100,000 giga tons of CO2,?

There are some 100,000 giga tons of fossil fuels left, and the ocean can store some 100,000 giga tons of CO2,?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
so what's the problem?

Acidification. Look it up

EDIT:MAXX... You ceased being a credible source a long time ago. Have fun in your altetnate universe.

"There are some 100,000 giga tons of fossil fuels left, and the ocean can store some 100,000 giga tons of CO2,? "

Let's assume your numbers are correct numbers. Even if so, you do not understand what they mean. If CO2 is emitted, some will get absorbed by the oceans and some will remain in the air. There is an equilibrium. So, for example if the equilibrium ratio is 1/3 goes into the oceans, emitting CO2 will lead to both more in the air and more in the oceans. It is not as if all goes into the oceans until the 100,000 limit fills up. What would happen is that 1/3 keeps going into the ocean with 2/3 going into the air (actually, the ratio might not hold constant, but I don't want to get too complicated) until the 100,000 limit fills up. If there is not enough fossil fuel material to fill the limit, then still 2/3 goes in the air despite oceans doing some absorption.

Where'd you get this information? The CO2 level is never constant as long as we keep driving SUVs, using fossil fues, etc. The problem is is that the ocean itself is also releasing CO2, and with deforestation, we will continue to diminish our earths lungs.

And there is still too much CO2 in the atmosphere and AGW is going strong

The oceans are constantly emitting CO2 also

I wonder how many tons that is??

Forgot...Where are your links??

Maxx, you do not understand what you have linked to. This may help you to understand? - http://dailynexus.com/2012-02-07/scienti...

The problem is you are an idiot and a liar

Alph - Sorry but ocean acidification was debunked a long time ago by peer reviewed study. You need to get up to date Alph. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Ado...


Some1Has2BTheRookie - No, I understand it perfectly, I think YOU are the one that does not understand. http://www.c3headlines.com/2012/01/world...

And Here: http://joannenova.com.au/2012/01/scripps...


so what's the problem?