> Sea-level change?

Sea-level change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
All of the above.

Pay no attention to Dr, Jello. He is a well-known science-hating political activist.

According to Australia’s national science agency, “…relative sea level has risen by 13.5 cm from 1841 to 2000.” and “The sea level record indicates a statistically significant increase in the rate of rise between 1880 to 2009.”


I'll go with Dr. Jello. I do not trust greenie's data. A few years back they had the sea level of San Francisco at a given height. However the greenies forgot that Treasure Island and Oakland kept record also. There was over a 5 inch difference between SF and Oakland. Ha! Ha! Ha! The greenies are nothing but a bunch of liars and misfits.

Sea levels are actually lower today than they were 150 years ago. In 1841, Captain Sir James Clark Ross placed a mark at the shore showing where the median sea level was in the rocks at Port Arthur, Tasmania. This mark is now 31.5cm above the current MSL proving that sea levels are receding, not increasing.

1. It effects continental shelf exposure. As sea level rises, less shelf. As it retreats, more shelf. exposed. Much of the continental shelf during the last ice age is now under water.

Actually readers should note Dr Jello's answer. From that it is easy to see that the guy is either a lunatic or a flat out liar. Either way, once you know he's a idiot troll you know to ignore him.

5. All.


jello is wrong. sea levels have risen. Using one point is deceptive and dishonest

Which if the following statement about sea-level change is most correct?

1. Increased and decreased continental shelves at different areas

2. Created and destroyed inland sea

3. Shaped the surface of land

4. a & c

5. All of the above

6. None of the above