> Do you guys think the world is coming to an end soon with all that is going on?

Do you guys think the world is coming to an end soon with all that is going on?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
i.e, ISIS, Ebola Crisis, Global Warming, Climate changes etc...

Lots of worrying things, except climate change, I am 68yrs old and I cannot see any change, just the normal weather swings, I have also most of my life been an avid sea angler, which good knowledge of the tides is essential to make the best catches, and I have not noticed any sea level rise and I assure you if it had risen more than an inch or two I would've noticed.

Terrorism by far kills the most. They rape women and even kill children. Ebola killed about 3400 so far. They need to ban anyone returning from west Africa. It has potential to easily spread. Global warming hasn't killed anyone. It's not happening for 18 yrs according to IPCC.

No way, I feel it just so happens these things are happening at a similar time. It's a tragedy about everything that's wrong but I don't think the world is ending!

It ended in 2012 remember

Take Climate Change off of your list of concerns. It has been shown to be a non-issue.

There is no real evidence to suggest that it was. But if you think that today is so horrible, perhaps you would have rather lived during the plague, or one of the two world wars.

no. not coming to an end, but things are going to be a bit different in the future.

no. with 7billion people today, there will be plenty of survivors. even with all people gone, the earth will be around for a long time.

i.e, ISIS, Ebola Crisis, Global Warming, Climate changes etc...