> On my last electric bill I paid $5.86 for an 'Environmental Charge'. Does anyone know what happened to the $5.86

On my last electric bill I paid $5.86 for an 'Environmental Charge'. Does anyone know what happened to the $5.86

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The utilities charge everything to the consumer or the government, basically to someone else. The power plants are often subsidized by the government or in the case of nuclear power plants, by the reactor manufacturer since they make their money in selling proprietary solid fuel rods which you can't buy from anyone else ( the inkjet cartridges of the industry ). Transmissions and even that power meter on the side of the house is paid for by the consumer, if you were on a rural property, they would charge you per pole to bring electricity to you ( it was $900 per pole last time I heard but that was a long time ago ). The digital smart meters are installed at your costs. The environmental charge is just the costs of upgrading equipment to new standards being charged to you.


The environmental charge recovers Westar Energy's investment in equipment installed to meet environmental standards.

That is what they say but in reality it is probably a fee that goes into the Democrat reelection campaign probably after being filtered through some organization or other. They have to pay trial lawyers and unions, Sierra club, environmental activists etc.

You'll have to contact your own state representatives to find out as every government that collects those taxes uses them for different things. Some use 100% of the proceeds to further clean energy infrastructure.

Fixing things your electric company doesn't want to take out of its profits.

Wrong category of YA. Try Mental Health, Education-Primary School, or Ethics, instead.

The company collects it from all the customers then spends it on a huge Christmas party for the executives.

Yep, that is Al Gore cut. He got your $5.86 for inventing AGW.

Probably goes straight to Al Gore.

But that's nothing compared to the trillions in taxes they want to implement.


There is justice!

Only you, jello, and Maxx got that charge.

It went for beer for Trevor, Lin and peg.

carbon credit. Its like when you give a bum a buck and he takes it without a thank you and gets in his Ferrari and drives home.

Your power company is probably scamming you.