> It's 53 degrees this A.M. in Minneapolis, is this another sign of Global Warming?

It's 53 degrees this A.M. in Minneapolis, is this another sign of Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No, it's a sign you're in Minnesota.

EDIT for Moe: You're funny, you suggest that "other" people will call the questioner stupid, so you call them "illiterate" first. What was that old line from a cartoon, something like "He was going to hit me, so I hit him back first."?

It certainly is true that individual weather events neither prove nor disprove global warming, and quite frankly, the occurrence of a somewhat cool morning in Minneapolis isn't going to impress anyone. There is actually some discussion of the below normal temperatures in that area going around the meteorologist email groups, and one person supplied a map of northern hemisphere temperature anomalies forecast for the next few days, and there definitely is a pocket of unusually cold temperatures expected for the U.S. Midwest and Mississippi River Valley. However, if you look a the REST of the northern hemisphere you find warmer than normal temperatures almost everywhere. That's why it's called "Global" warming and not "Minneapolis" warming.

Unfortunately I didn't see a similar map for the southern hemisphere, so I don't know what's going on there. But whether it's warmer or colder than normal, we're talking about a short-term fluctuation in reference to what is a long-term phenomenon, so neither is going to prove or disprove it.

All kidding aside...it's possible, but there's no way to know for sure. The facts are, there's so much we don't know about the side effects of global warming. One undeniable fact, is that the global temperatures are rising...ever so slowly. The earth is currently in the midst of a natural warming period. The earth has experienced warming periods in the past. But that was over 10,000 yrs. ago, when there was no human industrial activity contributing to the rise. Now, with all the fossil fuel emissions and other factors being emitted since the 19th century, the rate of the natural warming cycle of the globe has been accelerated. Ironically, the warming of the globe results in heavier snowfall in the winter, because as temps rise, there is more evaporation into the atmosphere, resulting in more precipitation in the winter.

In Missouri the high will be 78 about 20 degrees cooler than last year .

The temperature on any one day is just weather.

The temperature trend over a period of years is climate, and could be an indication of climate change.

No, it a sign of the weather in Minneapolis!

No matter what happens where. If a rock falls down a cliff. It is global warming. Halleluiah and Amen Brothers and Sisters.

It is truly a sign of Increase in global warming... will get hotter next year.

"The earth has a fever!" Ha! Ha! Anybody that agrees with Al Gore needs a straight jacket.

Actually, it really is over a hundred degrees, you just don't know it because there is some missing heat. That is one of the latest scams, 'missing heat'. Lord, what will they think of next?

Yes, as days go o they tend to get hotter. You may notice this if your head isn't stuck up your ****

I predict the sarcastically illiterate are going to jump all over this question. They will call you stupid for suggesting that weather proves or disproves AGW while simultaneously claiming this type of "weird" weather somehow proves the theory of AGW. AGW is shifting the jet stream, this proves that we've caused an imbalance so it's what is expected, there's a heat wave in Timbuktu...etc...

Moe ---

>>They will call you stupid for suggesting that weather proves or disproves AGW<<

It is a stupid question that not only makes the person asking it look lame, but when asked (and answered) repeatedly - and defended (as you are doing) – it makes all Deniers look stupid and uninformed.

When it hits 53 CENTIGRADE in some future decade, residents of Lake Wobegon will curse the anti-science crackpots of our day who trolled their denial instead of learning science, and who helped kill economic growth as we had known it.

Only if weather is advantageous to the Alarmist cause.

I'll let you hash through the rest.

It cools off at night.