> Is global warming a lie? Look at my details please.?

Is global warming a lie? Look at my details please.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
NASA – New study shows that CO2 COOLS atmosphere;

Carbon dioxide acts as a coolant in Earth’s atmosphere, says new NASA report.

“NASA’s Langley Research Center has collated data proving that “greenhouse gases” actually block up to 95 percent of harmful solar rays from reaching our planet, thus reducing the heating impact of the sun,” says to this article on principia-scientific.org.

“The data was collected by Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry, (or SABER). SABER monitors infrared emissions from Earth’s upper atmosphere, in particular from carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric oxide (NO), two substances thought to be playing a key role in the energy balance of air above our planet’s surface.”

“Carbon dioxide and nitric oxide are natural thermostats,” explains James Russell of Hampton University, SABER’s principal investigator. “When the upper atmosphere (or ‘thermosphere’) heats up, these molecules try as hard as they can to shed that heat back into space.”

Ain’t science great? First they “prove” that CO2 warms the atmosphere. Now they “prove” that it cools the atmosphere.

Either way, you’re the culprit, and you must pay higher taxes. What a racket!

Let's see if I can dissect your Gish gallop and debunk all of it.

>CO2 blocks out the sun causing global cooling,

CO2 in the upper atmosphere blocks infrared radiation in incoming sunlight. But CO2 in the lower atmosphere blocks infrared radiation coming up from the Earth. Visible and UV light that makes it through the atmosphere turns into infrared radiation after it's absorbed by the Earth's surface. And afaik the sun gives off more energy as visible and UV light than it does as infrared.

>humidity knocks out CO2 creating formic acid/ rain,

Yes, that's called ocean acidification. But atmospheric CO2 levels *are* still rising.

>ocean level don't rise in the Arctic Ocean cause the water has already been compensated for,

The sea level rise isn't from Arctic sea ice melt, it's from thermal expansion and the melting of glaciers and Antarctica, which are *not* displaced. They are on land, not floating.

>tropical plant life isn't found in the north,

And what does this have to do with, well, anything at all?

>the CO2 levels aren't making it hotter and hotter,cause we would never have a colder year on average than the one before if that was the case,

Weather is "noisy". All of the warming we've had so far is less than the temperature difference between day and night, much less the temperature difference between winter and summer in temperate locations. We still have day and night, we still have winter and summer, and we'll still have relatively cold days that follow warmer ones.

This doesn't mean that it's "not happening", as there is only about a 10-degree difference between current average global temperatures and having glaciers covering Chicago. Small-sounding changes in the average global temperature make big differences in climate.

Also, we are seeing more record warm days/weeks/months/years than we are seeing record cold ones, which is very, very, very suggestive of a warming world.

>and al gore is a retard that didn't earn a Nobel prize.

So? I should care about Al Gore why?

My gosh, where did you learn your science? I'd like to make sure no children I know ever go there. I'm guessing it is some really, really bad fundamentalist Dominionist military encampment, though.

? ? ? ? "CO2 blocks out the sun"

No it doesn't. And anyone with a 101 level science course that covers the subject in any way at all would have taught you otherwise. There are no CO? absorption bands in the air in the visible range and near visible range from 100nm to 1000nm, for example. The sun emits a roughly black body radiation curve at an "effective temperature" of about 5780K and with about 71.8% of its insolation in the above mentioned band. Less than 0.5% of the energy from the sun resides from 5μm to 20μm, the band that CO? might even remotely absorb in, by comparison. The Earth's surface is closer to 300K and emits 0% (to so small a part that no human instrumentation to date can measure it well -- I've tried, believe me, I have tried using cooled diode detectors with visible wavelength responses) in the 100nm to 1000nm band and emits 72.5% of its energy in the 5μm to 20μm band.

The rest of your rant shows no improvements in your science understanding. You score an exact 0. We know who the real retard is.

Yep, EOC. You pretty much nailed it. You forgot to add that scientists only claim that CO2 retains heat because they studied physics, and the physics departments at universities have been taken-over by communists. What other climate denier idiocy did he forget to mention?

Form your additional details, you are indeed on crack. But global warming is not a lie. It is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


In short, lets just say that warmons are politicised liars who are full of shite and will resort to any lie to advance their political agenda

Yes it is .

CO2 blocks out the sun causing global cooling,humidity knocks out CO2 creating formic acid/ rain,ocean level don't rise in the Arctic Ocean cause the water has already been compensated for,tropical plant life isn't found in the north, the CO2 levels aren't making it hotter and hotter,cause we would never have a colder year on average than the one before if that was the case,and al gore is a retard that didn't earn a Nobel prize.