> If man is so powerful, how come he can't turn ice into water around that boat in the Antarctic?

If man is so powerful, how come he can't turn ice into water around that boat in the Antarctic?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What ice?

We could, in theory. Directed explosions between the ship and thin ice (far enough away from the ship itself) would allow the ice-breakers to get through. Heat melts ice too.

There is an example from the Great Lakes. Apparently, ships would get as far as they could during the fall and early winter, then sit, iced-in, until they could make port in the spring. One captain had his crew paint the ice around the ship black. The black paint absorbed more solar radiation than the surrounding ice did. That ship was the first to break free in the spring and the first to make port, saving the company quite a bit of money. You don't always need a high-tech solution.

David Suzuki doesn't mention sea ice. The technology exist however high altitude EMP and microwave energy weapons are a reality, so it could be done, Whether or not those that control such technology choose to use it is a different question

oh, yeah.. the "tiny" argument. If bacteria and viruses are so small how com they can kill a big man?

A medium size Hydrogen nuclear bomb would highly likely melt a lot of ice, if that was the goal.

Oh the vanity. Believing that humanity can alter the earth's climate makes Moses parting the sea and Jesus walking on water look like amateur parlor tricks. And they wonder why I call AGW alarmists "cultists." It takes a lot of faith to actually believe in every one of the causes and consequences of so called AGW-from more hookers standing on street corners to the earth exploding because the air warms up a few degrees to match what it once was in the past.

It's the damn Global Cooling!!

David Suzuki has revealed that he just says whatever he feels like to generate alarm. When called on it, he at least admits that he isn't sure.


Suzuki has realized that his cause has failed, so perhaps he will strive to be more honest in the future.


Ah come on now, is it fair to ridicule those poor deluded scientists out to prove climate change, they just wanted to show all that melting Antarctic ice.

What's your point

Quote by David Suzuki, celebrity scientist, alarmist extraordinaire: “All life on Earth is our kin. And in an act of generosity, our relatives create the four sacred elements for us.”..."We have become a force of nature...Not long ago, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, drought, forest fires, even earthquakes and volcanic explosions were accepted as "natural disasters or "acts of God." But now, we have joined God, powerful enough to influence these events."