> Is this yet another environmentalist myth trashed?

Is this yet another environmentalist myth trashed?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You've been taking reading comprehension lessons from kano, huh?

Interesting that the opinion (hoax) article claims they found only “micro plastics” while the other notes that the study found an absence of small pieces as well as the stated reasons why the sample might be biased that way.

You must have put on your Denier hat by accident. Try reading the articles from a skeptic's perspective – or find a skeptic to read it for you if you’re not able.


Interestingly, the first article you posted provides possible reasons.

The second article calls it all a hoax.

And, being the brilliant fellow that you are, you choose to believe it's a hoax.

Despite the increasing amount of plastic being produced, and discarded, around the world, every year.

Litter and dumping rubbish including plastics is not "good" for the environment. Not sure what your point is ... the article mainly focuses on research of what is happening to plastic and that it still is a problem. So no, the articles do anything but trash environmentalists.

Not sure what this has to do with climate change ... I suggest that you should have posted this in the general environment section.

Huh? A greenie exaggerating or outright lying! Imagine that!

Quote by emeritus professor Daniel Botkin: "The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe."

This make one pose the question, "Are these greenies really serious or just candidates for the funny farm?"

Thanks for the clarification. Those are good articles.



Apparently, the claims of "million's of tons of plastic on the ocean was an exaggeration. I can remember some alarmists quoting this nonsense so as a cutesy, I thought I would point out their mistake.