> Are There Limits to Limits?

Are There Limits to Limits?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Limits are based on current conditions and practices.

such as so long as airplanes are propelled by propellers you can not fly faster than the speed of sound but change the method of propulsion to jets or rockets and an appropriately shaped plane can fly faster than sound.

Personally, and this is an opinion, I feel life is endless regardless. What I mean is we are simply consciousness and the world is an illusion similar, but not the same, to the concept of the movie "the matrix". I truly believe that we are simply an illusion of ourselves and we are all one consciousness experiencing a reality subjectively. This may sound crazy but I am really into this holographic universe theory by quantum physicist. I read about it in a "new science" magazine and actually saw this simulated electric universe online, it was setup at some university but can't remember. It is just a thought but it is possible the world is just an illusion, hologram and the resources will be endless as long as we perceive them in this reality. Once there is a mass perception that the resources are gone, they will be gone. Now go ahead and thumbs down me but I find this stuff fascinating and I believe in all possibility so my mind is wide open. When we die we simply enter a new illusion reality, similar to changing a radio station. We are all simply together on one radio station per say. Call me crazy but this does not mean I believe it 100% but so far the electric universe is the only model to recreate life as the big bang theory cannot be recreated. Also there is a wonderful study at MIT where they were able to harness electricity from a tree and turn on a light bulb. They literally plugged a light bulb into a tree and it lit up. Everything has electricity and that is a big secret. Free energy is all around us but that will never be explained to the masses.

When tracking the growth of population, it usually levels off until there is a new technology that allows for man to be better able to feedn themselves.

In first world countries, however, we have seen a decided change to this. Most first world countries actually have zero population growth with the rise of birth control and women's right. These are the same first wolrd countries that are seeing an increase in obesity, so clearly the lack of food is NOT the issue restricting population growth.

The Malthusian argument is entirely false.


Hey Dook "opened" your question up for all by reposting. LOL. The person who blocks most all "deniers," thinks he is opening up a question by reposting.

Not only am I on Pielke's side, I would have to be honest and say the other side are knuckleheads (and maybe knuckledraggers ( I know that is the accusation they use against their opponents but it fits them better)) who refuse to learn from history and refuse to use their common sense. The more technology we develop, the more efficient our energy use. Most resources, particularly metals are recyclable and therefore pretending we are running out is leaving some knuckle drag marks IMO.

I would hope that mankind can continue to develop and grow and colonize different planets, and extract minerals from asteroids and other bodies and eventually travel to the stars

What specifically does this have to do with AGW I don't see it

This is the topic of a debate here: http://www.earthisland.org/journal/index.php/eij/article/are_there_limits_to_limits/

Which side of this debate do you fall on?


And I'd like to start by answering my own question:

"There are those who believe what we’ve been doing for that last hundredth of a second can go on indefinitely."

I think this is the Achilles heel of the Malthusian argument. Nobody I know believes that. And why would they? It would be irrational.

I believe we are going to grow to a certain point and then level off, much a like a child growing into an adult. And I believe that point will occur when poverty has truly been eradicated