> Is there any possible way the United States can help the ozone layer?

Is there any possible way the United States can help the ozone layer?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The Ozone hole been fixed for over 30 years . As for the school video its mostly propaganda . In my school days they were promising fusion is just around the corner and

people would have robots fixing meals and cleaning . Narrated by Walter Cronkite .

This was in the 1960s .

"Is there any possible way the United States can help the ozone layer?"

Ground all non-emergency aircraft flights. Permanently.

We are already signatories to the Montreal agreement, so we are doing our part to keep CFCs from being added to the atmosphere.

This leaves worldwide population control to less than 1 billion persons within the next 100 years, and unless we use nukes, this is outside our purview.

"Here in South Carolina we have had the warmest 2 winters I have ever seen..."

This has nothing at all to do with ozone depletion when it is winter in your locale. This has to do with Global Climate Change. We have added greenhouse gases like water vapor, methane, oxides of sulfur (and yes CO2), but these are a direct function of how much population we are to support.

Our religions have brought us here, so maybe one of the many Gods can be called into service to amend the sections of Holy Writ that tell us to be fruitful and multiply without end, to denigrate those lifestyles that do not make procreation likely, and maybe enhance the sections that talk about being stewards of the Earth... because we seem intent on raping the Earth instead.

"... I herd from a video at school that the ozone will be 100% in 60 years ..."

We've controlled CFC emissions, which was the latest insult. However ozone depletion started in the late 1700s, when our global population exceeded 1 billion and the Industrial Revolution started. Almost 200 years before CFCs were invented.

We aren't going to get to "100%" ozone layer health until we restore the troposphere and Earth's average surface reflectivity to "100%".

The ozone layer depletion and global warming are two totally different things with totally different causes.

Ozone depletion does not really cause warming. It lets more UV through which is bad for life.

Ozone depletion is causes by certain types of gasses called CFCs.

Those types of CFCs were banned in the USA and other advanced nations many years ago. And are not allowed to be imported.

Also, the ozone layer will never be gone. It reforms every year from the action of sunlight aslong as we do not deplete it with too much of the bad tpes of CFCs getting into the atmosphere.

The ozone hole and global warming are separate issues. Carbon dioxide, the gas which causes global warming is not an ozone depleting gas. Amd in order to form a hole in the ozone layer, even with ozone depleting gases, requires the stratosphere to be extremely cold. Such cold is found in Antarctica in the winter, not over South Carolona.

Global warming is serious problem, causing rising sea levels anf drought, but not the ozone hole.

Republicans in congress continually block efforts for any climate change/environmental reform to take place. Congress needs to get on track and force companies to cut emissions. That wont happen because its all about money and big corporations are in bed with congress. Money and power control everything. I am not dissing republicans..........only the ones in congress. They would rather have jobs created than save the environment....regardless of the fact that they risk the future of mankind and pretty much all the animals in the world

Yes as the first person who answered rightly pointed out stopping burning fossil fuels will help the ozone layer replenish itself. The greatest environmental challenge right now is that people are not living in tune with nature. They are too disconnected from nature. Some examples are that homes are made from wood and it takes like a huge amount of trees to make a house. If another material was used there would be more wood. All this separation from nature is caused by religions which state that people are made by such and such god but they are actually made by nature and meant to live with nature. I don't hate technology since it allows people to travel and communicate with each other but people have got to make environmentally sound technology like solar powered cars and planes and other things like solar powered computers. I see space for solar panels on everything from buildings to vehicles and mounting solar panels on these things can really reduce the amount of fossil fuels burnt.

America can help the environment and ozone layer by reducing deforestation and increasing recycling of wood as they do in Europe. America can also donate to Amazon countries to stop them from cutting down trees in the Amazon. the more trees we will have in the world, the less global warming and ozone depletion there will be in the world since trees produce winds and winds will stop the temperatures from rising so much. America needs to lead the battle to save the environment by doing the following things on a massive scale

Elect educated and scientific environmentally aware people like Al Gore

Switch to renewables like solar, wave power, biomass and away from oil, coal

Use natural gas instead of oil

Plant fruit trees everywhere

Plant other kinds of trees everywhere

Keep carbon emissions to a minimum by protecting forests everywhere and recycling instead of cutting trees

Doing all those things will save the environment. Most importantly abolishing religions that don't give credit to the environment is essential as religious leaders deny global warming, don't understand science and couldn't care less about the environment. Thanks for asking this question and I hope I have been able to give a good answer.

You need to do some research, the ozone layer doesn't really effect our climate, except it lets more ultra violet rays through, which can cause skin cancer, anyway the ozone layer is returning to normal.

Your two warm winters were just weather, other places have had very cold winters.

Yes, you must reduce pollution. The ozone replenishes by itself over time. The ozone is actually made of H3O, which I am unstable/sensitive compound. When Co2 emissions increase, the third O on H3O bonds with a carbon dioxide molecule and the ozone depletes. All we new is less Co2 emissions( fossil fuels).

Schools show propaganda videos, it isn't actually true. Climate change is a natural process and not caused by humans at all. I think you need to do your own research because you sound confused. Stuff like CO2 or pollution do not cause climate change.

Yes, but those idiots won't help the environment. They got themselves in so many problems its likely impossible that any money will given for this. Sorry, thats just how it is

Here in South Carolina we have had the warmest 2 winters I have ever seen and its starting to worry me I mean we where wearing short sleeves in January I wasn't I was wearing pants and a jacket and my mom asked me why I was wearing that and I said because its winter and she said it 80 degrees out side and I said I will do anything in my power to not think that the ozone is depleting because I know the out comes of it and I know it's happening and I don't want it too but the U.S. people aren't doing anything and surely the president isn't I herd from a video at school that the ozone will be 100% in 60 years I hope it's true so what can our country do to help it and are we?

I guess you can't face reality. Just like you won't wear reasonable clothes, you won't use your reason. Your video from school is propaganda. If you were well researched and properly educated, you would face reality and not have that chicken little attitude.

Just sign Kyoto protocol!