> Is climate change currently occurring at 10 times the rate not seen in 65 million years?

Is climate change currently occurring at 10 times the rate not seen in 65 million years?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The only way that someone could make that statement is that they are ignorant to the facts or they are a liar. Borehole measurements in the GRIP show warming of 8 - 16C in just a few decades, and the GRIP borehole measurements are not a proxy. And that occurred at the beginning of the Holocene interglacial and the emergence of the Younger Dryas periods.

The earth has been rotating and wobbling on it's axis since it was formed as a planet. The earths orbit varies slightly as all objects do in space. This has more to do with climate change than anything humans are doing on the planet. If you make your living in environmental sciences you need to convince others your theory has validity...otherwise you cannot get grants etc.

Question 1: There seems to be some contradictions here. Is the 10x rate actually happening right now or is it predicted for the future?

My suspicion is that they are talking about a predicted rate of climate change for the future. In order to see natural climate change at a pace comparable to what we have been seeing since the 1970s, we don't even need to go to proxies.


And the warming prior to 1945 was probably mostly natural.



Question 2: What is the current rapid pace? Over what time period?

"For instance, the planet experienced a 5-degree Celsius hike in temperature 20,000 years ago, as Earth emerged from the last ice age. This is a change comparable to the high end of the projections for warming over the 20th and 21st centuries."

The warming at the end of the last ice age probably took several thousand years, as comapared with a possible change of 5 degrees C over the next century.

Question 3: Does that mean the 10x rate is actually only predicted and is based on the worst case scenarios of the IPCC climate model projections?

Probably. In order to state 5 degrees C over a century as a fact, either

a. It would actually have to happen.

b. We would need a time machine.

c. We would need a crystal ball.

Question 4: How is this being report in the MSM? Are they claiming we are already undergoing the 10x rate of climate change?

Not that I'm aware of. Some envornmentalist blogs may be, but not mainstream media.

No and nobody knows the climate 65 million years ago . And if your talking ice cores

there is none 65 million years old . Ice would Freeze and thaw a million times

in 65 million years .

Unless somebody invented a time Machine and has pictures after they went back its just speculation and hot air .

No. You hear and read the claims, but no one can give an example. And I doubt if they could, scientifically, since we didn't have any monitoring equipment 56 million years ago, to verify that aspect.

Stanford is the same university that Paul Ehrlich, the butterfly expert, has residency at, and he is a known flake. It is also the same university that Schockley was at when he invented the transistor. The scientific community and media got all over him, yet Stanford did nothing to back him.

Excellent science-fiction, they should make a film based on it, similar to the "the day after tomorrow" that had about as much real science as this does.

All I got out of the first link was Alarmist can control climate. Please don't post any more extremist fanatical links.

65mil/180yrs...come on! Their the ones using time series, with and without human interception. I'd certainly be embarrassed trying to pass that off as science.

no that's a ridiculous statement, especially in light of the fact that teperatures have hardly changed for 2o years.

A Stanford University press release states:

"Climate Change Occurring Faster Than Ever"

"Two Stanford climate scientists report the planet is undergoing one of the largest climate changes in the past 65 million years..."

"...and it's on track to occur at a rate 10 times faster than any change in that period."

"Stanford climate scientists warn that the likely rate of change over the next century will be at least 10 times quicker than any climate shift in the past 65 million years."

Question 1: There seems to be some contradictions here. Is the 10x rate actually happening right now or is it predicted for the future?

"If the trend continues at its current rapid pace..."

Question 2: What is the current rapid pace? Over what time period?

"For instance, the planet experienced a 5-degree Celsius hike in temperature 20,000 years ago, as Earth emerged from the last ice age. This is a change comparable to the high end of the projections for warming over the 20th and 21st centuries."

Question 3: Does that mean the 10x rate is actually only predicted and is based on the worst case scenarios of the IPCC climate model projections?

Question 4: How is this being report in the MSM? Are they claiming we are already undergoing the 10x rate of climate change?

Stanford Press Release: http://woods.stanford.edu/news-events/news/climate-change-occurring-faster-ever

Study (paywalled): http://www.sciencemag.org/content/341/6145/486