> Is it possible to predict future climate?

Is it possible to predict future climate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes I believe one day we will be able to predict climate, but as long as politics meddles with climate science we will always get it wrong.

Probably we could do it now, if we properly evaluate the effects of ocean cycles, solar cycles, the effect on clouds etc, and reduce the crazy bias of CO2 that all climate models have to have.

I suggest you investigate the IPCC reports, they provide a simplistic overview to climate predictions. Actual climate models are highly involved and require a really good understanding of scientific models, statistical analysis and scientific knowledge (something very few people have, hence why most climate models are worked on by a team of scientists and statisticians).

It should also be remembered that a scientific model is a generalisation of a complex system (in this case the climate). Even the model diagram of an atom is a generalisation ... however the model is something that we (the general public) can look at and understand.

Also remember scientific models change as our knowledge changes, so climate models will continue to change and evolve as our understanding of systems, cycles, processes etc. change.

I believe NASA also provide some models for future climatic predictions.

1. Linking a regional climate model (RCM) configured for contemporary atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, with a phytoplankton community model (PROTECH) produced realistic simulations of 20 years of recent phytoplankton data from Bassenthwaite Lake, in the North-West of England.

2. Meteorological drivers were derived from the RCM to represent a future climate scenario involving a 1% per annum compound increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations until 2100. Using these drivers, PROTECH was run for another 20 year period representing the last two decades of the 21st century.

3. Comparison of these present and future simulations revealed likely impacts on the current seasonal phytoplankton development. Under future climate conditions, the simulated spring bloom showed an increase in cyanobacteria dominance caused by greater success of Planktothrix. Also, the summer cyanobacteria bloom declined earlier because of nutrient limitation caused by the increased spring growth. Overall productivity in the lake did not change.

4. Analysis showed that these predicted changes were driven by changes in water temperature, which were in turn triggered by the higher air temperatures predicted by the RCM.

It is easy to predict future climate. The difficult part is getting it right. I used to think you would have the odds with you if you picked a warmer climate in 5 years (very slightly warmer) but after 18 years of stagnation, who knows? Here is my work showing how I cam to my conclusions, 20 years with no change (zero) = zero. Probability of next 5 years equaling zero = clueless

as CO2 goes up , global temps go up too . this has happened many times in history . earths hottest period was the 100 million year carboniferous epoch , when even the arctic was tropical , atmospheric CO2 went as high as 363 ppm . at the start of the industrial revolution CO2 was at 240 ppm . on 12 21 12 atmospheric CO2 hit 400 ppm *. this is passed the point of no return . the earth WILL go into a runaway , irreversible , permanent greenhouse effect . it will happen pretty fast . by 2023 , after 5 years of worldwide crop failures , food will be made from people ( shades of soylent green ) , by the 2030s the oceans will boil off into space and humanity turns to dust .

see you on the other side .

It's going to get warmer. The polar ice caps are going to melt. Low lieing areas will be flooded.

No, I refuse to show you my work. Even if you demand access through the freedom of information act, I'll stonewall you in court.

years ,but it runs in 20 year sickles , and what comes out of the SUV tail pipe ,as the uneducated Climate Realist states CO2 ,,nay nay , all gas powered cars in the US and most of the world have a catalytic converter on them ,this changes your carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide ,you know the stuff that can kill you to the stuff you exhale .You do not park the car in the gauge to kill your self any more????? the most the SUV can do to hurt you is burn your lips on the tail pipe ,the CO2 from cars was salved in the 1970's .... so please do not suck on the tail pipe.and all will be well.

What happens to the temperature in five years depends on ENSO, PDO, volcanoes and the yellow ball in the sky as well as what comes out of tailpipes of SUVs. Of the natural factors, the Sun is only one which we expect to be due to be in a state of minimal activity five years from now.

Can you predict the weather at your location on a given day in the future ?. I don't think so. nether can the weather channel. so don't make a fool of your self trying.

5 years is not climate

Do you believe it's possible that science can predict future climate? Do the scientists predict warmer or colder in the future? Will it be warmer in 5 years? Can you please show your work to how you came to your conclusion?



