> Is climate change about money?

Is climate change about money?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

"They would never discover that the American Petroleum Institute’s IRS Form 990 for the most recent year showed $237.9 million in assets while the Natural Resources Defense Council reported $241.8 million."

"That membership base is a built-in free public relations machine responsive to the push of a social media button sending politically powerful “educational” alerts that don't show up on election reports.

Big Oil doesn't have that, but has to pay for lobbyists, public relations firms and support groups that do show up on reports."

"On the other hand, you do need detailed knowledge to parse Big Green into its constituent parts. I spoke with Washington-based environmental policy analyst Paul Driessen, who said, “U.S. environmental activist groups are a $13-billion-a-year industry — and they’re all about PR and mobilizing the troops."

Question: Where does all the supposed "denier funding" go? If it all goes to Heartland they must be lying to the IRS.

Didn't we decide some time ago that the total contribution from the Kochs would not pay for even one climate summit in an exotic location?

Again, this is another area where the consensus supporters are lacking in objectivity. How sensible is it to believe someone who looks at only one side of the evidence?


You claim it's money spent on reducing fossil fuel use.

I'll claim it's about profits of the fossil fuel industry.

But clearly, it is about money, no matter which side you're on.

On your side, from you link, "$2.6 Billion For Climate Research"

On my side, "$271 billion in profits for the fossil fuel industry".


Yes, it surely is about money.

It's also pretty obvious what money is really controlling the discussion.

EDIT: BB: "AGW Activists are heavily supported by taxpayers.....$$Billions per year.

"AGW Skeptics receive virtually nothing. Those who claim that the energy industry is financing skeptics are shameless liars, Period."

Hey, I don't get anything. How do I get onto this bandwagon?

On the other hand, where does all that money that the Koch brothers spend go? Do they get nothing for it? What am I missing here?

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

There you have it folks. Even the greenies admit it.

As already mentioned – the political opposition to AGW is all money – no science.

Average salaries are about $70,000.



A Senior Climate Scientist at Berkeley is about $113,000 – for comparison the median tech salary in San Francisco is: $123,497.


The shameless unfounded accusations about science and scientists made by Deniers – based on nothing but ignorance and with no purpose other than to lie in order to further their political agenda – is not only pathetic and disgusting, it threatens the nation.

America’s national security, military, and intelligence agencies have already classified climate change as a threat to national security – which means that Deniers are on the side of the threat. It is the same thing as helping terrorist organizations that threaten our security and Deniers should be treated as the traitors they are.

Now they are complaining that Australia is cutting their funding by billions of dollars. Now other countries should follow suit. Then we'll see how much they say money has nothing to do with it.

It is hypocritical that AGW cultists claim that AGW dissenters is all about money yet AGW is all about wealth redistribution, raising taxes, and destroying capitalism.

AGW Activists are heavily supported by taxpayers.....$$Billions per year.

AGW Skeptics receive virtually nothing. Those who claim that the energy industry is financing skeptics are shameless liars.......Period.

The amount of money being spent to try to make dumb people disbelieve climate change is about 100 times the money being made in the green industry.

Yes Timothy Wirth , John Holdren , IPCC redistribution of wealth

Yes it is, Kano. The Big Energy companies make about $1,000,000,000 per *day* in pure profit. It is very definitely about money, and don't believe it isn't. The few billion for science every year is dwarfed by $300,000,000 - $4,000,000,000 per year in profits. Further, there are thousands of places the 2.6 billion will go, and tens of thousands of people will be involved. That doesn't average out to all that much per person, does it? But the profits from energy are heavily concentrated in the hands of a few. And they buy politicians by the planeload, and buy entire states - look at Duke Energy in North Carolina, USA, for a good example.


Kano, I did not say Duke contributed to political types in North Carolina, I said they own the state. The governor worked for Duke 30-35 years, then became governor. Duke has spilled amazing amounts of coal ash into NC rivers in various places (that affect up to 5 other states), and they *were* being sued by 3 different NC environmental groups. The "state" took over all 3 suits, and settled for a total fine of $1000, no mitigation, no clean-ups required, no responsibility to stop dumping waste into the environment. Essentially, Duke Energy IS the government of North Carolina. Political donations, as you and everyone else should know but pretend you don't, are only the tip of the iceberg. Koch Industries literally owns major chunks of entire states, and through their industries, control a big chunk of the American landscape, and a much bigger chunk of the American political landscape.


Denial certainly is.