> Is Yahoo answers fair?

Is Yahoo answers fair?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No. Cheaters rule here (until they get bored, and look for someplace else to misbehave). They can vaporize answers without prior notification and without the slightest relation to any actual violation of the guidelines. I speak from extensive personal experience on the vaporizee end of that process. It is only a few bad apples, relatively speaking, but it can be annoying.

The choice of best answer is relatively immune from such cheaters, unless, like one recently arrived anti-science denier clown here, they deploy multiple accounts to flood the category with fake questions they can use to pile up best answers for liars they like.

Edit: You can be chosen as best answerer without any votes, if the asker decides to pick the best answer himself/herself rather than putting it to a vote.

One of my questions was deleted. Never got a reason why. I get best answers when mine if the only answer a couple weeks after the question was asked. There are no votes on my answers when that happens.

Just do what I do and install no-script, you can still answer questions, no questions are hidden and it makes it irrelevant if people agree or not. People will read only what they want anyway.

It usually happens when a few people complain. I've had mine deleted for "Not being a question" then added the word "Is" to the beginning of it and it was fine.


Sounds more like a temporary YA technical glitch to me.

Sometimes when I am properly logged in I do not get the Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down vote options but a Agree/Disagree button which, when clicked, tells me I need to log in (duh). A relog usually clears things.

<<...and some of my answers have been removed without informing me.>>

This usually happens when the whole question has been deleted.

<<..who decides which answers are best when the asker does not choose.>>

It's by whichever answer got the most votes if I am not mistaken.

Edit @ Kano:


One can also vote for best answer (the In Voting tab), a feature most people dont even use but some sometimes do.

Does it actually matter?

I have lost the ability to disagree, and some of my answers have been removed without informing me.

and who decides which answers are best when the asker does not choose.

P.S. I have posted this in global warming as this is where it is occurring.