> How much did the Rothschilds pay Nicholas Stern?

How much did the Rothschilds pay Nicholas Stern?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
About to wind up this anti-liar-denier troll barrage.

Not now! I'm in the middle of a Rothschilds.

Trick question. Nicholas Stern doesn't really exist. He is a construct of the Rothschilds and any time people claim to have "seen" him it has been an actor playing the role of Nicholas Stern. "Stern's" papers are actually written by the Rothschilds's evil world-controlling AI that has enslaved mankind and follows orders only from the Rothschilds.

Of course, now that you know this, your life is in danger, but you did ask.


Well, you have me on that one. I am quite familiar with Nicholas Stern's analysis of the economic costs of ignoring global warming, but I am unaware of the Rothschilds paying him anything. I could look it up, probably on watt'supwiththat, but I think I'll just wait to see what someone comes up with.

Certainly not as much as Xi Gua is getting paid to dominate YA's Global Warming section with multiple idiotic questions each day.

How much money has been wasted on green enrgy and renuable resources? How much money in debt are we in to china?

How much money did Algore make off his books and selling his garbage?

About to wind up this anti-liar-denier troll barrage.