> Is Anthony Watts a climate scientist?

Is Anthony Watts a climate scientist?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I would not say so. BUT, I think he understands science far more than the people who normally report on scientific matter to the masses.

In fact, an article was just discussed which stated that the avalache on Everest was cause by AGW. As anti-science people like GNCP and Some1 rushed to defend the article, true scientists are actually intelligent enough to realize that one of the major causes of avalanches is, not surprisingly excess, snow. So trying to link AGW to such an avalanche would be an exercise in futility.

And lets talk about the "science".

Every single "correction" to the data they made has led to more warming. 97% of the climate models are overestimating. And the mass media gets ahold of stories and makes outrageous claims that are even worse.

So we have overreporting of obvious overestimation in the models based off of biased data. This is not even debatable. This isn't even hidden. It is right in front of everyone's faces. The warmers can call me whatever silly name comes to their head, but it does not change the FACTS!!!

The entire process is set for making more of AGW than is truly there, and warmers show concern for one guy that runs a website. If you were not lying through your teeth, you would not be concerned about this one website.

Note that you warmers defend the idiocy of someone claiming AGW caused avalanches and attack this site. I assume you have conclusive proof that they are lying more than the AGW-caused avalanche story.

Watts is not even a weatherman. He was fired by his TV station in Chico. (yeah, couldn't keep his job in one of the smallest TV markets in the country). He was fired by his neighbors from his school board. The people who know him best don't see any expertise in anything.

His website has won many prestigious awards, he promotes a alternate view and is in favour of free speech and open debate, all the articles shown reveal the sources so they can be peer reviewed (unlike many science journals) many eminent scientists like Leif Svalgaard regularly visit his site.

Because of this he is hated by Warmers/alarmists.

Anthony Watts is a propagandist and media weather guy. Personally, I would prefer that people like him NOT be called "meteorologists" (that should be left to the scientists), but I'm afraid that terminology has been co-opted by the "broadcast meteorologists".

No he is not. He is a blogger.

His blog site has won several awards for best scientific blog.

He DOES have MANY notable scientists who post on his site and who routinely offer comments on posts on the site.

He has several noted scientists who have worked with him on several projects.

If Anthony Watts could make ten times as much money sitting on his *** writing about floral arrangements made using cocktail wieners as he does writing about climate, do you think he would give a crap about global warming?

No, and neither are 99% of the posters here! Weather they are pro or anti 'Watts'...

LOL! Anthony Watts is a meteorologist and weatherman. He has never been able to substantiate any of his claims nor the claims of his "guest" authors. Usually these guests are Lord(fake!) Monkton, Steven(who is this person) Goddard and Roger Pielke Jr.. All of which have been debunked so many times that they should have their own class in society named just for them.

Not by any definition, he is a fund of disinformation done at the behest of his right wing paymasters

What difference does it make? You are either wrong or you are right. If you have the credentials and you are still wrong, all you have is an educated idiot.

No, ex tv guy who did the weather. Likes attention, not research

Only if this question is a joke.