> If you had to shovel two feet of snow from your driveway and Al Gore said there was no snow, who would be right?

If you had to shovel two feet of snow from your driveway and Al Gore said there was no snow, who would be right?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Algore of course. He's an important person in the global warming world

You would need to search the peer-reviewed science literature. If you could find a paper that said there was snow on your drive then it would be true.

If not then you would have to believe Big Al. However, I think you should really re-listen to what he actually said. "There is no snow" sounds a bit definate for a fully trained politician. I expect he made it sound very authoratitive and catastrophic but actually said nothing. Something like:

"Professor SoAndSo, of this world famous university, told me that there was 70% chance of there being no snow on your driveway on certain days. If this were to happen then the world could end, there might be a plague and a pestilence so bad that you might think that life itself was irrevocably doomed. The fire and the brimstone could fall about your ears. The science is in; it is incontravertible."

Note the "ifs", "mights" and "coulds". In other words, he does not really know, is not prepared to say but would like to play the doom and gloom card anyway. By the way, the above lines represent only 1% of the full speech so are valued at only $1000.

Al Gore.

If Al Gore said there was no snow outside your house at this moment, he would clearly be wrong.

Is that what he said?

Skeptics would look at the evidence and say it snowed. Alarmists would initially say that there is no snow. Faced with indisputable evidence of snow they would then say that the snow fits in perfectly with the AGW theory. C and other alarmists would than claim in the same sentence...

"There was NO snow, and we know that AGW caused it to snow in the first place,"

Al gore would be right. i just looked and there is no snow.

Al Gore of course, politicians are never wrong, so shut and shovel snow and stop complaiing, you know you can't win.

Libs have forgotton all about Al Gore and his dire predictions. One of the benefits of having a short memory.

Denialists sure love to talk about Al Gore.
