> If science discovered today that so-called "global warming" was not caused by man,?

If science discovered today that so-called "global warming" was not caused by man,?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Would you accept the findings of these scientists, or would you just dismiss them as denier heretics and still believe so-called "global warming" was real?

These greenies would still follow their High Priest, Al Gore. In reality, it is a religion, not science.

Quote by Nobel Prize Winner For Physics, Ivar Giaever: “I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.”

Go over to the mideast and tell ISIS that there is no Allah and you will get the same reaction as the greenies want to happen here when you tell them that CO2 does not control the temperature. Even RFK Jr. said he wanted people jailed for not believing.

Does this mean that you agree that there is currently NO scientific evidence that the current global warming that humans are NOT influencing it?

Of course any scientist would accept scientific evidence that disproves the theory. The scientific team that discovered this evidence would be highly rewarded, both academically and financially too (so there is plenty of incentives to find this evidence).

You don't have a clue how or why that would be so exciting - since it would require either the discovery of a new causal mechanism that has never before been observed or predicted, or the discovery that everything we have learned about physics and chemistry over the past several hundred years was wrong.

AGW theory is based on decades of research data that cannot be undone "today" or in any one day.

Your profound ignorance of science and the physical universe remains as impressive as ever.

Then they'd be discovering that human behavior isn't capable of impacting the planet, which would basically mean you're just a brain in a jar.

Maxwell's Demon isn't real.

that's the exact thing Creationists do even though Evolution has been proved by genetic research

Yahoo needs to do what Google now does:

Google will stop supporting climate change science deniers, calls them liars


Of course. Quite unlikely.

And where are these so-called scientists? Only in your imagination

If they had real evidence, of course I would accept it.

Would you accept the findings of these scientists, or would you just dismiss them as denier heretics and still believe so-called "global warming" was real?