> If Robert Kennedy Jr. won't give up his cell phone or car to save the earth why should we?

If Robert Kennedy Jr. won't give up his cell phone or car to save the earth why should we?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

You have to understand, RK Jr is a Kennedy and as such he is royalty to a large number of leftists who idolized JFK as above a King who ruled Camelot. RK shouldn't be expected to lower himself to his words. He is above all that and above you and me. He is a Kennedy and the grandkid of a Mafioso so he is genetically superior. We should just be happy that we get the chance to bow before him.

Turns out Robert Kennedy Jr. isn't asking you to give up either of those things, though in fact, the widespread use of telecommunications HAS reduced pollution, quite a bit, for a variety of reasons, so why you'd ask people to give them up, I don't know.

What he is doing, is addressing the concerns with our industrial system, and that may include modifications to our human activities, but no, Robert Kennedy isn't demanding you go to a pre-industrial state.

That would be the Amish. Feel free to complain to them.

Global warming is the largest scam in history,

1. The earth is actually getting colder, not hotter

2. Considering there is always at least 30 active volcanos at one time, and a large volcanic eruption produces for CO2 than humans can produce in 100 years, we are just tiny little things.

So looking at both these reasons, he shouldn't give up these things, but neither should we.

He's a hypocrite, but I don't get why that's a shock...

Don't be so hard on the guy. I'll bet he has solar panels on his 28 room mansion. Or at least on his 10 car garage. He is doing his part to save the environment. I'll bet one of his ten cars is a Prius.

Besides, it's rich oil companies who are to blame, not rich libs like himself.

Your cell phone must be pretty old tech to use more power than almost none.

SageBrain, how many decades ago did you get above D in a science class, if ever?

Liar. He has not said that anyone should give those up.

On the other hand, the woman interviewer owes you some thanks because you might be the only reason that she is not the most stupid person on the planet.

He and AL Gore know this is fake

He's busy thinking of ways to mess with you. Please leave him be.

I will if he will.
