> I'm only 13 but I'm trying to teach my friends that global warming is false, how can that be done.?

I'm only 13 but I'm trying to teach my friends that global warming is false, how can that be done.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
First, tell them that they have been brainwashed by their teachers and the Liberal media and they should not be suckered in to the religion of Catastrophic Man-made Global Warming.

Next, research the Climategate Email Scandal and attempted cover-up. Then, research the Hockey Stick Scandal.

There is too much in the way of fraud and corruption among many (not all) of those calling themselves climate scientists. The main reason for this is Money. Taxpayers are robbed of $$Billions each year for so-called Research Grants and 'Green' subsidies. Scientists and universities are lined up like pigs at the taxpayer-provided feed trough holding $$Billions.

Always follow the money.

Well you would be lying to your friends and you wuld be destroying your credibility The weal minded however can be led around by their noses if you are persuasive enough

You can't because global warming is real. Get over it.

The earth may or may not be warming. The issue is whether humans are causing it. It is the idea that humans are causing it that gives license to strangle the economic growth of developed and developing countries by slowly regulating oil and coal energy toward nonexistence. Energy runs the equipment in hospitals. Energy runs farm equipment. Energy runs water treatment plants. There are reasons the life expectancy in poorer countries is less than it is in developed countries and many of them are energy-related. Real people's lives are being lost and shortened as reliable energy is made more scarce and more expensive in an attempt to make alternate energies look economical by comparison.

The article linked below is telling us how the glaciers melted to reveal ancient artifacts like 5,300-year-old remains of a human male that look fairly well-preserved. The article tells us that these remains, of course, begin to decompose as soon as they're out of the ice. So, in this guy's region, at least, temperatures have averaged colder than now for the last 5,300 years or his remains would have been exposed and destroyed before now. So what pollutants was his society producing that caused it to be so warm back then?

Maybe it is just normal for the earth's climate to fluctuate, and there is no way to prove humans have an influence. Maybe we shouldn't even want to. Don't we want the climate associated with the "natural" way humans lived 5,300 years ago?

Alex (whatever your real age) you're following the usual denial path: start by deciding what to believe (be sure to ignore tiresome facts, evidence and the knowledge accumulated by educated people) Talk about it as if it's true as this helps your self-confidence as you try to persuade others. If they don't accept your beliefs, then you're reduced to looking for arguments which may back up your beliefs. But to be honest sifting evidence to find the bits you like can be a lot of effort.

please watch Cosmos this Sunday for a clear and direct explanation

you will not regret it

Who has brainwashed you into thinking it is false? All scientific evidence points to it being true, plus a vast majority of scientists agree. The only people pushing back on this are shills for industry. Don't contribute to the static noise. CO2 levels are at incredible levels (go to http://climate.nasa.gov/400ppmquotes/ to see) and when you finish doing more research, you can join us on the other side.

I'm only 6, but I don't believe you. A 13 year old has no background to properly judge the science. Grow up, go to college, get a degree in physics or chemistry or another "hard" science, then study climate and tell us what you think. By the time you finish all of that, the lie you are pushing will be very obvious to you. You may apologize then.

The normal practice when someone is trying to convince another person that global warming is false is to lie, cheat and deceive.

The problem is that the real world evidence clearly shows that global warming is happening, that’s why there isn’t a single scientific organisation on the planet that disputes this. Those who like to pretend global warming isn’t real therefore have no evidence and so resort to inventing it.

The oil companies were a big help as they paid pseudo scientists to lie and write bogus reports saying that climate change wasn’t happening, or that it was a good thing, or that it was entirely natural. They’ve admitted this and pulled the plug on the funding, that’s why from 2006 onwards there has been hardly any ‘reports’ claiming global warming wasn’t happening.

Despite the originators of the lies admitting it was nothing but propaganda, they persist on the internet and are widely used by climate change sceptics and deniers. Some clearly know that they’re perpetuating established lies, others are probably ignorant of this fact.

Here’s something you can’t do. If global warming is false then why is 2014 (to date) the hottest year on record, why is the Arctic ice at it’s second lowest level ever known for this time of year and why has every one of the warmest years on record occurred recently.

Seriously, if you want to teach your friend that global warming is false then you will have to lie and deceive.

What you could do, which would be a much more sensible and intelligent thing to do, is to educate yourself and your friend about what global warming really is. Chances are that your friend thinks it’s a lot worse than it is, you want to pretend it’s not happening and so you’re both wrong. The reality lies midway between those two extremes.

I'm trying to teach my friends global warming is false but they think its true. I've done tons of research spent hours on the computer looking up this stuff but they still think its true. Is there anything I can do to stop them from believing, or is it impossible.