> Humans influences on global warming?

Humans influences on global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I turned up the thermostat on the sun. Sorry folks. I hate being cold.

Human caused co2 emissions is 0.2% of the global natural co2 emissions (from the sea, decaying vegetation etc). Co2 makes up 4% of greenhouse gasses.

Do the math

please watch Cosmos Sunday night for a full and clear explanation

and don't listen to Deniers they are influenced by lobbyists for Big Oil

0.00000023% +/- 0.00000001%

we influence it

The is mains to influence for the human on global warming:

*Burning fossil fuels

*Cutting the forests.

Human-caused global warming and a climate that's highly sensitive to an increased greenhouse effect.

We write the rule books that's how we influence it.
