> How to slow down climate disruption?

How to slow down climate disruption?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Please call it global warming. Carbon dioxide CAN only cause warming. That is the law of conservation of energy. Different parts of the world have always cooled while other parts warmed. Greenland was warm and other parts of the world were cool 1,000 years ago. The US was warm and other parts of the world were cool in 1934.

Don't listen to the lunatics saying it does not disrupt the climate. It does, because it is a greenhouse gas, it traps heat.

Over the centuries, we have seen enormous amounts of *human* activity in which we burn large amounts of fossil fuels. Many people say our activity is harmless and cannot impact our climate to a point where we would cause harm to the life on Earth. However, we are already seeing signs of just the opposite.

How to slow it down is a simple answer, but a difficult task to accomplish. We need to switch from fossil fuels, to some type of renewable, clean energy. Solar and Wind are major considerations at this point. Physicist Michio Kaku has also stated that Fusion energy could be possible by the year 2020.

The facts are that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, that without greenhouse gases the earth average temperature would be 33C colder (a giant snowball) and that we have added 40% more CO2 to the atmosphere. There is not a single scientist who denies these facts.

So the simple answer is to reduce the amount of the additional CO2 from the combustion of fossil fuels into the atmosphere. (The little harder part is how to do so in a way that does not wreck the economy and the hard part is how to get the whole world to cooperate)


This is what is really happening. If you want to believe that the climate is being disrupted, then you need to re-educate yourself

"In 2000, the UN’s IPCC predicted that global temperatures would rise by 1 degree Celsius by 2010. Was that based on climate science, or political science to scare the public into accepting costly anti-industrial regulations and taxes?"

" Don Easterbrook shows that by 2010 the 2000 prediction of the IPCC was wrong by well over a degree, and the gap was widening. That’s a big miss for a forecast just 10 years away, when the same folks expect us to take seriously their predictions for 100 years in the future."

Here's some more info: http://www.nipccreport.org/reports/2011/...

the control of carbon dioxide gas slows down climate disruption

You don't. It's natural and not a disruption.