> How many trees have to be planted in order to compensate for President Obama's recent trip?

How many trees have to be planted in order to compensate for President Obama's recent trip?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Hey take it easy on the Boy King. He has done lots to cut CO2 emissions. For starters, the labor force participation rate is down from almost 66% when he took office to 63% now. Fewer people in the work force means less travel, fewer jobs means less energy expended. Think of the energy savings an empty, decaying office building represents. Look at how much energy we saved when Solyndra went bankrupt.

Opportunities for recent college grads are much scanter now. This means that rather than get a good, entry level job in corporate America, they are forced to move back in with their parents and wonder how they will pay off their student loans. Living in your parent's basement is much more energy efficient than living on your own.

As another poster pointed out, food prices are going up. This is a good thing because it means now we have less money for other things. Rather than buy that new car or refridgerator or bedroom suite, we make due with what we have saving all the energy it would have taken to make those things we can no longer afford.

And let's not forget all the energy savings we will realize from gutting the military. Retiring ships, cutting weapons programs, and decreasing the size of our standing army more than makes up for a few flights on Air Force One.

Obama is a green hero. Don't hassle him about his personal energy consumption.

I just wish he would stay out of the country permanently. Let Russia have him. He seems to like their way of governing and I think Vlad could teach him a thing or two. I would even plant a few trees if we could make that happen.

I don't know, but like it or not, the President of the United States has the most important job in the world and it requires lots of travel. If the Republicans would start believing in science rather than mythology, then perhaps the President could get some legislation passed that would make it unnecessary to worry about how carbon dioxide he's emitting on one of his trips.

"like it or not the president's job is so important that he must lead by sheer hypocrisy just like algore. He is entitled to burn 35,000 gallons of jet fuel to spew 350 tons of CO2 in the air flying around the world on earth day to tell the rest of us that we have to limit our freedom and prosperity by reducing our carbon footprint. It's an important job to do that." If we see hypocrisy in this we are anti-science.

The president could get legislation passed that mandates every single internal combustion engine sold in the US get 2 times the fuel efficiency while producing the same amount of power and being lighter weight, This would cut in half the CO2 emissions while maintaining power output. It's not rocket science to do this but you will never see the government and Oblamo mandate this because gasoline and oil are very large sources of tax revenue for both the feds and states. Just like the feds and states haven't outlawed tobacco products.

Oblamo and the feds don't believe in this AGW BS. They are using it to generate revenue and grow the power and scope of government to control every aspect of our lives. They are using AGW to control the population the same way past civilizations have used a religion to control the population..

You're aware that 60% of the world's oxygen comes from way up north in canada, where we can't even get logging equipment?

You mean the guy playing president. He's a terrorist. Against the American people, thats why there's 2 million + muslims in our country in communications, internet services and our military communications. He wants our country as CZAR, not president. Mike

I guess you'd have to figure out how much recycled carbon is in one tree to start with and then figure out how much recycled carbon Obama recycled again. Then you can recycle your answer through the IP CC's recycled carbon projections for the next 100 years and divide by the percentage that Obama used. (tic)

These psychotic environmentalist seem to be worried about recycling so much, so why are they crying about recycling carbon? It's been a standard Earthly practice since life began.


maybe 1,000

Oragar ... actually 60-90% of our oxygen comes from algae

This is certainly one of the more ignorant, pointless questions posted by Sagebrush, but has he ever posted an intelligent one?