> How many Environmentalists have a clue as to the basics of science?

How many Environmentalists have a clue as to the basics of science?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Depends on what field of science you are talking about, I'm a environmental scientist. I have a bachelor in applied science double major bioscience and chemistry and I'm in the midst of doing a double masters in environmental science and environmental engineering. I noticed you were picking on evolution.... and yes you are right, there is a whole chain missing from humans lineage I think after cro magnon (can't remember which one). Most people don't know that... BUT you are wrong evolution has been proven beyond a doubt. There is enough evidence in the homo sapien linage to suggest evolution. DNA is enough to prove evolution overall. DNA is wonderful like that because DNA never changes or removes genes it just adds gene which gives us a full map of who came from where. Sorry.

I'd say I have a pretty good handle on the basics of science, myself (BS in biology, and I've taken some graduate level classes as well)

And, no, you can't back up your claims, at least not with anything besides hot air. I, however, can back up mine, whether or not you *believe* the evidence I offer.

Seriously. If you have any specific questions about science, send me a message (or point me at questions you've asked, in comments or whatever), and I'll give you answers, backed with evidence, if I know them (I am not an expert in all matters scientific, I'm barely even an expert in biology, that would be the people with PhDs).

Interesting topic but Science is a general term as Scientists tend to be specialised and Environmentalism is also a very loose term.

I am a Biologist who works in Applied Physics but...I am not a Physicist. My knowledge of Physics is to the level of the technical applications that I work with. I do support some environmental causes and I do grow my own vegetables. BUT I am not an environmentalists. Some environmental causes are simply political dogma. They are industries. Industries that make a lot of money..

Your question: How many Environmentalists have a clue as to the basics of science?

Apparently not many. They keep telling us that the 'missing heat' is hiding in the deep blue oceans. And they say this with a straight face. Defying the laws of physics is not a problem for Alarmists trying to prop-up their man-made Global Warming scam.


It's hard not to believe in evolution with baboons like you and Madd Maxx on this forum.


Shame on me. I shouldn't call you and Madd Maxx baboons. That is insulting to baboons.

Global warming is a means to an end, promoting the green religion. You cannot falsify the theory, and indeed everything is a sign of the existence of global warming.

Just because global warming is here now does not mean you will not see global warming in the future.

You can generally replace the statements they make about global warming with God.

Very few.

Notice they talk about "believing " in science.

Most of them, you do not

only the ones who aren't foolish enough to think global warming is a hoax

JimZ, "It seems to me most environmentalists are young people and most young people know more about Byonce and Iggy than they do about science. "

Most environmentalists have 2 legs, and most 2 legged beings can fly.

Not to worry, feel free to launch yourself off a cliff.

Environmental science is a relatively new discipline.

It should be expected that practitioners are young.

As for the implied claim that they care more about Beyonce, it's just wrong.

Asks the guy who disbelieves in evolution because the bible, in his opinion, says it is false and disbelieves in climate change because he thinks God can only control the weather.

Sagebrush: You're a joke who wouldn't know science if it swatted him in the back of the head. Humans and monkey's share a common ancestor as do apes, opossums, elephants, kangaroos, your favourite house plant and that mold growing in your head.

Sagebrush: You have called me many names in here and I have never reported them. Have you ever reported yourself in one of those posts? How about when you call Dook names? Are you going to report yourself in this question for calling Pegminer dense? How about when you start calling others stupid or communists? As you haven't I take it that you are not a 'trusted' member here. That I would agree with. And please, continue posting your stance on evolution. It only makes everything else you say seem less scientific.

First, who do you call "environmentalists"? That's certainly nothing I would ever call myself, do you consider me to be an environmentalist? The people I think of as "environmentalists" would be ones that work for environmental advocacy groups, like the Sierra Club or Greenpeace. For those people, I think you would find a wide range of scientific knowledge, from people that know nothing about it to active scientists with Ph.D.'s.

In general I think Americans have a poor knowledge of science, and it seems to be getting worse. Luckily we have a steady stream of science-literate immigrants to fill the void.

EDIT: Sorry Sagebrush, the terminology is so confusing. I still have a hard time with the people that don't know a thing about science being called "true scientists." Before you retired to your life of leisure, did you used to work in a Ministry of Propaganda somewhere?

We had a trivial pursuit type game a couple weeks ago and my nephew and his friends played and they are all doctoral candidates mostly in polymer chemistry. Frankly I thought I would get my clock cleaned but I smoked them all rather easily. I am sure their general knowledge is much higher than the average bear but it still seems to me that I am quite ignorant about most subjects and there is way more to learn than I know but I am not as ignorant as most people. The most ignorant among us are the ones who think we know everything already. I have known people who could take tests and do well on biology for example but really didn't understand the basic principles. It seems to me most environmentalists are young people and most young people know more about Byonce and Iggy than they do about science. They know they are supposed to care about nature but most of them probably wouldn't survive very long in nature.

It seems to me "Environmentalists" typically want the government to control the environment and protect it from people rather than using the available resources to better our lives and part of that means protecting the environment and putting aside land for parks and wildlife reserves.


100% of The ones with science degrees

My first instinct is to answer that this is a stupid question. People are all different with different levels of scientific knowledge and we should not be engaging in this type of insulting non-debate.

BUT, I noticed that this is in response to Dook's insulting non-debate question. So I will give you a direct answer.

Amongst true environmentalists, people who care about the Earth and are willing to study and THINK, the knowledge of science is rather high. Before the pseudo-environmentalists made environmentalism into a fad that has no basis in reality, I would have called myself and many of my friends environmentalists.

You see, WE thought that the idea of not using paper bags because it was "killing trees" was absolutely stupid as trees are a renewable resource and lumbermills (if done correctly) are extremely good because they reduce the chance for forest fires by allowing the clearing out of the underbrush.

But unfortunately environmentalism has become a fad. Every new issue is a new fad. It has nothing to do with caring about the environment anymore, at least not enough ot study and research.

There are still true environmentalists though. And those people generally have a good knowledge of science.


As an addition, I think that people who generally claim to be environmentalists but could not survive a few days in the woods are not true environmentalists. How can anyone claim a love for nature while constantly hiding away in cities???


Thanks. My raisin-esque good looks and fu manchu never fail to attract.