> How is this for a AGW advocate answer?

How is this for a AGW advocate answer?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
That makes ZIP sense.

I guess it is just like fleas. When two dogs get to close together, they exchange fleas.

I'm sure that Earth's temperature raising 1 degree in 150 years is going to cause Mars to burn up.

I see you didn't bother to look at her other answers.


"Oh well. Some people believe CO2 causes climate change. It just shows what an ignorance of basic science the general masses have."


"I bet 97% of Divinity graduates believe in God.

Saying that 97% of climate scientists believe in their religion sounds about right."

She's one of yours.

May be a little farther out in left field than other rabid advocates but otherwise pretty typical.

But since "the debate is over" and "you cant argue with science" I guess the only course left is to shut up & meekly agree with them or subject yourself to the standard " you're a dummy" rants that make up 70% of their answers.

Clicking on the global warming sub category is a direct route through the looking glass into la la land.

Mae is either a Denier, a Denier-troll, or a Troll.

Since it is impossible to tell real Denier stupid from fake Denier stupid (real Troll) it could be any of the three.

Since you think Mae is an AGW advocate that could support the hypothesis that most Deniers are too stupid to be good Trolls and may suggest that Mae is just your regular Denier.

Well I am not sure what all the fuss is over other planets, as they have no bearing on AGW In fact if some heat is transferred from Earth, guess what, it isn't the heat from the troposphere where we live, it is from the outer reaches of earths atmosphere.

*** The only thing you DA deniers will stop short of is providing real climate science to support your lame claims. Just another useless denier distraction because that is all you have to offer

It Mae an AGW "advocate"? How do you know from that one answer which is obviously implausible?

Look at Mae's activity, then ask yourself if you're being honest when you call her an "AGW advocate".

As you can't you say , well your so called pillars are going to prison . and Mars . Go pull your head out of your rec-tome and see what life is like. their is no way in hell man could have done a thing to Mar . You are one ate up dumb azz.

if you believe this, then Earth is getting warmer whenever Venus gets close to Earth. There is no evidence for this.

It is called sarcasm.

"Mars and Earth come very close in their orbits every two years. To think that the excess heat from earth doesn't transfer over is naive.

It makes perfect sense that other planets are heating up with our runaway CO2 levels.

You can't argue with the science."

No Source + Not on Google = You made up this nonsense.