> How does global warming affect humans?

How does global warming affect humans?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What I'm hoping for is warmer Minnesota winters. The high today was about 8 degrees below zero, with a minus 30 degree windchill. I went for a walk today, and the wind was really cold.

I am hoping Global Warming will shorten our Minnesota winters, and make them so they are not so cold. So I am totally in favor of global warming.

Many of the changes are subtle and only those who have long memories were to keep detailed records, as scientists do, are probably aware of the changes. Global warming causes more water to be in the air, but also increases the rate of evaporation. Areas that get their water from the ocean, use the coastal areas, have experience more rain than usual and severe flooding while the interior continents dry out faster and are experiencing drought, leading to crop loss, dried-up lakes, and receding aquifers that are not being replenished fast enough.

There is sound scientific evidence that the Earth is warming and those who long denied the evidence have now shifted their message, saying we should “just adjust”. I’m not sure what that means, but those of us who live in the Midwestern United States will probably be able to do so. It may be more difficult for other people in the world. The people of Kashmir are concerned that the glaciers that feed their streams in the summer are receding – making less water available. The Sherpa of Tibet are worried that their villages may be flooded by lakes that now form each summer from melting glaciers . The lakes are held back by ice dams and, if a dam breaks, it will be a catastrophe for their villages. The Inuit in the Arctic are having to move their coastal villages to keep them from being eroded away by wave action of open seas which were year round ice before. Their inland villages are threatened as well as the permafrost upon which some were built now becomes a quagmire in the summer. Indigenous people's lives are changing and many of them do not have the resources to make up for the fact that the environment, which has sustained them for centuries, may no longer do so.

http://www.skepticalscience.com/global-w... has a nice list of the positive and negative (mostly negative) effects of global warming.

It makes you poorer, increased taxes to fund all the thousand of scientist's (so called) and researchers, who have jumped on the band wagon.

It also diverts attention from badly need research on disease, poverty etc.

It is affecting crop production, and already beginning to fule bigger storms and flooding. It is making areas that are wetter, wetter. And places that are hot will get hotter. Places that are wet will get wetter. Places that are dry will get dryer.


Go to this 1990 IPCC report. On page 202 you will see 3 charts. The third one down shows that there was about 0.7 degree C rise in earth's temperature between 1650 and 1990. Notice also the major part of this 0.7 degree C rise is between 1650 and 1700. Long before you drove your SUV.

Now I ask you in your life time, if you were to live in an environment that rose 0.7 degrees C, would you even notice it? My wife probably would, but as for me, no way.

Floods, drought, increased storm activity, increased storm intensity, extinction of species, inability to grow food, etc. Please read this report from the scientists who are studying this problem:

Soon every thing in the world we be gone! there. then Satan will come and help us as long as we go to h*ll with him. and then Jesus will come in about a few years after that and sent the ones with the number 666 on our forhead or hands. or else Satan will have killed us all and then we go to heaven for not taking the number. with Satan. and we go to heaven.

It has no bearing on humans. Global warming has been proved as a fraud.