> Have you heard about "Al Gore’s Stupidest Global Warming Quotes"?

Have you heard about "Al Gore’s Stupidest Global Warming Quotes"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Gore is a con artist and a rich one at that.

Al Gore Got ‘D’ in ‘Natural Sciences’ at Harvard. http://cnsnews.com/news/article/transcri...

And he didn't get a single actual climate scientist to appear in his propaganda movie "An Inconvenient Truth" which was full of bald faced lies. Like the Polar Bears were drowning, or the Ice Caps were melting, or the oceans were rising --- all lies. In fact a court of England ruled the movie was so flawed that it could not be shown to school children without a disclaimer.

35 major errors in Al Gore’s movie


Court rules Al Gore’s movie unfit without disclaimer (11 major errors reviewed)


Here's a pictures of Al Gore's fourth Luxury home in Montecito California. But of course he wants us 'little people' to cut back. http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2010/05...

Gore wants us to stop using oil, but that's where he made a lot of his money. http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=...

Gore refuses to debate man-made Global Warming but charges $145,000 to to speak on your student campus. http://www.studlife.com/news/assembly-se...

Anybody that would believe a word Al Gore says needs to have their head examined.


There are some on this site still love him. They say they don't but they follow his tenets. "Co2 goes up, this drives the temperature up. CO2 goes down, this allows the temperature to drop."

The Earth just doesn't cooperate with that. So they throw ole Al under the bus and go looking for some missing heat.

I'm sure those Climatologist stuck in the ice down there aren't saying, "The Earth has a fever."

Trev: So what if it is a fake. It properly displays the thinking of the time of the top Climate Scientists

It is more accurate than all those Climate Models.

Yet again it’s the sceptics that are bringing up Al Gore. Why are you people so utterly obsessed with him. Those who accept global warming is real hardly ever mention him. He’s not a scientist, he’s not an expert on global warming, just an ex-politician who popularised the issue.

This obsession with Gore clearly shows that for some the issue of climate change is based on politics and not on science.

If you want to know what’s happening in the world then you start by ignoring the politicians and going to the source. And you certainly don’t rely on biased websites that are founded on religious and political ideologies (which is what Eagle Rising is).

If you want to know about climate change then stop being so closed minded, stop getting your information from biased sources and take a rational and objective look at ALL the evidence. Then, and only then, will you have the requisite knowledge to arrive at an informed decision; until then you’ll flounder in your own ignorance and be incapable of engaging in any meaningful or intelligent discourse on the subject.

You don’t have to accept that global warming is happening but you do need to educate yourself first before arriving at that conclusion, as it is you’re simply being told by self-serving third-parties what to think, why are you letting others make your mind up for you?

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You do know that the cover of Time Magazine is a FAKE. You didn’t even bother to check it out, just accepted it because it conforms to a preconceived notion. Another example of being told what to think instead of finding out for yourself.

http://search.time.com/results.html?N=46... (thanks to Jeff M for the link)

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Using Jeff’s links I point out that the cover of Time is a fake and your response is “So what if it is a fake”. I think that says all we need to know about you.

You’re not bothered if it is a fake, you’re quite happy to spread lies and deceit provided you can use them to further your cause. You were caught using the fake image yourself. Did you apologise or admit your error? No, you attempted to justify it instead.

You claim to be a Christian, might I suggest you read what the Bible has to say about liars.

Then you claim that the fake image “properly displays the thinking of the time of the top Climate Scientists”. Back up your claim.

No, but I know quote-mining is intellectually dishonest. It takes quotes out of context or just makes them up. Essentially your argument, "but it's cold today" just fails to understand the difference between local and global

Gore is insignificant he is just a private citizen and not a climate scientist

Time has a funny way of putting these arguments into perspective.

Many scientists have flip-flopped because their bread is now buttered on the other side.

Now we know that none of the global warming computer models work. And, by the way, it's now called "climate change" since the earth has not been warming for the last 15 or so years.

They (climate science) say that they "think they know" (90% probability), but the truth of the matter is that they simply do not know. The truth is ... that there is a 90% probability that they "think they know"!

They (climate science) say that they "know" the climate is "chaotic and non-linear", yet they will lead people to believe that they "do know" AGW is a serious concern ("just-in-case").


Al Gore was a "sock puppet" for the GREEN MOVEMENT climate science.

Trevor - It's the 'insane-scare-tactics' used by the "loony-tune left" that try and convince 535 representatives of the 330 million people in the U.S. to vote in favor of their agenda. This is what makes this issue ("Global Warming") an extremely political one and based less on the science. YOU are one of the biggest culprits in trying to solidify the position of these "loony-tunes". I've seen you try and balance yourself on your own fence, yet you always fall in their yard no matter which side you fall on.

Thousands of scientists have 'backed off of' this clearly political movement simply because of the volatile political implications.

"January 1958 to March 1960 shows a 0.73C drop in Global average temperature.

In 1960 there was a 0.48C drop from February to March and then a sudden rise from March to December 1960 of 0.52C totaling a 1C temperature variation in less than 1 year."

Science will always try and explain temperature variations, because that is what they get paid to do. They study things. That doesn't make them experts at anything except studying. To give an interpretation based on what they think they know is at best asinine!

Bob Tisdale, Roy Spencer, Ian Clark, John Christy, and Richard Lindzen are all very credible and reliable sources when it comes to interpreting climate science intelligently. Stay on your fence in the middle of the "green movement's" yard. You're safe there I'm sure.

Ad hominem argument.


This would be a good answer to most denialist questions.

No, I haven't. Did you write them yourself?
