> Does indoor heating effect our environment?

Does indoor heating effect our environment?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It would be smoke coming out of the stack. The heater probably uses natural gas, but it may use oil. If it uses either of these fuels, it releases carbon dioxide. This is the gas which is mainly responsible for global warming.

One possible alternatives would be solar heating or a heat pump. If your heater is oil fired, it could run on bio-diesel. If it is natural gas fired, it could run on digester gas. If your electricity comes from nuclear, hydro or geothermal power, electricity could be used to heat your school. Wind power usually uses a natural gas backup, and would be a poor substitute for an oil or natural gas heater.

Hello Jenna,

It’s not so much the heater itself or any steam/smoke that’s coming off it which is the problem, it’s more the fuel that is used to make the heater work.

Most of the power we use to generate our electricity comes from the burning of fossil fuels, either coal oil or gas. When these fuels are burned they produce carbon dioxide gas as a waste-product, this is then released into the atmosphere.

Carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases. They’re called greenhouse gases because, like a greenhouse, they have the ability to trap heat. The more of these gases there are in the atmosphere the more heat is trapped.

Burning fossil fuels is one way in which we are adding to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere but there are many others including many industrial and manufacturing processes.

As for the heater, if the smoke/steam is being released into the outside then it will be steam. If it’s being released inside then the heater is faulty and you need to make sure it gets looked at quickly.

Most indoor heaters are powered by electricity or natural gas. Natural gas is a fossil fuel which pollutes the air and adds to global warming. The power plants providing electricity are using mostly coal and natural gas both pollutants and add to global warming. Coal is the worst pollution of them all and the biggest contributor to global warming.

Next time do some web searching so you can do your own schoolwork


Realize that electrical power plants WORLDWIDE would have to produce and store energy for more than 200 YEARS just to make enough energy to heat the Earth for a SINGLE DAY. http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/ind...

All the heat produced by mankind is nothing compared to the amount of heat it takes to keep the Earth warm.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Again a young child scared to stay warm because of all the nutcase global warmunists in the world today. I hope the warmunists here are real proud of themselves.

Yes it warms the room, instead of being cold, born yesterday?

I'm writing a story for my school newspaper about how my school can go green by switching to environmentally friendly heaters. But I'm confused, does indoor heating effect the environment?

My school has a large heater and at the top, it seems like there is smoke/steam (I'm not really sure what it is) coming out of ducts. Can that hurt our environment in any way?

Thanks in advance!