> Global Warming cause More Snowstorms in the Future? Is that True?

Global Warming cause More Snowstorms in the Future? Is that True?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Probably false.

True. There will be more snowstorms due to man made global warming. There will also be less snowstorms due to man made global warming. There will also be more rain due to man made global warming. There will also be less rain due to man made global warming. There will also be more floods due to man made global warming. There will also be more droughts due to man made global warming.

Pretty much everything that ever happens in the future proves made global warming is real. Man made global warming IS falsifiable although no one knows how. Climatology is a science right up there with astrology and Iridology.

No. Carbon dioxide can only cause warming. Cold spells happen because of weather. If it weren't for global warming, cold spells would be even colder.

I see that the denialists are out in force with their straw man arguments.

The expected pattern, as I understand it, is something like this:

In areas/times where it currently snows, and still remains cold enough to snow even with warming, we will see more and/or more severe snowstorms, because there's more heat in the system to drive weather, and warm air holds more moisture than cold air.

In areas/times where it becomes too warm for snow, we will see rain instead of snow.

Don't expect winters to get worse for all areas, but there will be snowstorms which will be stronger in some places and snowstorms and cold spells in unlikely places. I expect that Europe will see more snow, while the US western mountains may see less.

You name it and Global Warming has caused it according to the Alarmists:


But in reality, there is no man-made Global Warming.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Yes, we are in the midst of a great warming period. Ha! Ha! Just peruse this article:


In South Dakota they set a record in less days from snow fall to snow fall. One hundred days under the average. That is going back to 1892 when recording of such events started in that area.

I wonder how that works in with Al Gore's chart?

Is anything going right for these 'saviors of the earth' lately?

That's what makes AGW such a robust theory, no matter what happens the most likely cause is the burning of fossil fuels.

Climate change might make weather patterns a lot more extreme so yes. eventually there could be some kind of climate shift and we could face a new ice age.

Yeah, even another ace age for all we know with all the polluting gases we let into the ozone layer the outcome can be a world with no land or a frozen one