> Global Warming. The science is settled, it was all bollox to frighten the children?

Global Warming. The science is settled, it was all bollox to frighten the children?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Interesting stuff in your second link. Recent climate sensitivity studies have indicated ECS might be lower than previously estimated; more in the 2C range. IPCC climate models continue to diverge from observed temperatures. The recent pause in warming has four or five explanations involving natural variability. Many other aspects of climate science have even more uncertainty than before.

Yet, in the upcoming IPCC report (according to the latest draft), they have elevated their confidence that man has been responsible for most of the warming in the past 50 years from very likely (90%) to extremely likely (95%). I really don't know how a rational person could accept that at face value.

Here is a comment I left for Hey Dook 3 days ago. It not only applies to and answers your question – it PREDICTS your question.

A Skeptic would already know what was in the upcoming assessment report, while it is the systematic avoidance of information and skeptical inquiry that defines someone as a Denier.

Evidence of this has already begun and will continue as the Y!A Global Warming section becomes inundated with “questions” about new “game-changing” information from the assessment report copied from Denier blog-rags claiming that the: (1) IPCC data proves it’s the sun; (2) IPCC report admits failure of climate models, and; (3) IPCC predicts future global cooling.

Sometimes stupid is funny - and sometimes stupid is just stupid.


Damn, I’m good.


Hareendra –

>>Big Gryph needs to understand the meaning of 'warming'.<<

No, you are the one who is clueless.

If the temperature “stays exactly the same from year to year for the next 10 years” it would be the most freakish 10 years of climate in the history of the damn planet.

More reasonably, if the temperature continued to fall at or the beyond the extreme upper limit of its empirical distribution – as it has for the last 17 or whatever years – for the next 10 years, the probably that global temperature was the result of the natural factors that have historically (prior to the industrial revolution) driven it would be less than the probability of flipping a coin and getting ‘heads’ 27 times in a row.

I'm afraid I don't understand your logic.

If you are saying that the Earth has stopped warming, well, that's not what the climatologists or the soon-to-be-released IPCC report says. What it says is that the rate of warming is marginally slower than what was thought. But this conclusion is based on the evidence accumulated over the past number of years. So, scientists are doing their job ... taking data, analysing that data, refining their conclusions as new data comes available.

There is a connection between CO2 and temperature. This is due to the laws of physics. They aren't wrong. You are. Until you prove that some factor is cooling the planet at a rate equal to the warming induced by additional concentrations of CO2, that humans aren't burning fossil fuels, that CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas, and/or that CO2 is being removed from the atmosphere faster than we produce it, then thermodynamics is in disagreement with you. And you don't get to doubt the laws of thermodynamics without embarrassing yourself.

Big Gryph needs to understand the meaning of 'warming'.

If the planet's temperature stays exactly the same from year to year for the next 10 years, under your logic the planet has not stopped warming, because it is still warmer than 20(now 30) years ago.

They try to frighten more than just children. It is kind of sad that the more evidence we have that warming won't be as bad as they predicted, the more it seems that some people just get more frightened than ever.

The Earth has not stopped warming. What is your home planet. 2012 was the 10th warmest year on record in the last 132 years. This year and the next four are expected to be at or near record high temps globally

if you would stop using sources like the telegraph and dailymail for your sources, you might learn some real facts, as they rarely have factual articles.

Right, because we all know that the Telegraph is a reputable scientific journal.

A combination of dimming (both because of sun changes, and because of sulfur pollution from Asia) and ocean heat cycles has slowed warming. Not stopped it, and certainly not reversed it, just slowed it down a good bit. Which is pretty much what nearly all actual climatologists agree, as far as I'm aware.

Then this shouldn't surprise you. "I'm a climate scientist and I can be as vague as I want to be".

Global Warming. The science is settled, it was all bollox to frighten the children?

More and more warmies admit the Earth has stopped warming, can we now reverse the ridiculous notion that there is a connection between CO2 and temperature and get back to improving living standards across the globe instead of starving people to make bio-fuel, jute bags and Eucalyptus to burn in power stations. For this madcap theory folk have to die?


