> Does anyone notice that we have had a REAL environmental catastrophe in West Virginia and there is?

Does anyone notice that we have had a REAL environmental catastrophe in West Virginia and there is?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I live in the upper part of WVA and the more I hear of what has happened down near Charleston the more questions I have. That water isn't just going to stay in the river, there are back ponds and such - yes, all the water lines will have to be cleaned out, but what about all the land and ponds, maybe wells, that may have some of that water run in to them or leach through the ground? If this chemical isn't lighter than water then I'd think it would be like the "oil spill" in the Gulf and sink down into the water and the soil at the bottom of the rivers, fish... no one has mentioned a fish kill along the rivers so have they thought about "fishermen" later on catching and eating the fish in the Elk and Kanawha Rivers. The more I think on this the more that jumbles in to my mind. But you are right, after a few days in the news it, like all other disasters, will fade... yet the disasters haven't gone away.

>>Not only is global warming hysteria causing economies to collapse<<

What a surprise that you conveniently overlook the last 40 years of crying, whining. and blaming the regulations enacted by the CWA and NEPA legislation for causing economies to collapse - even though the reason we have those regulations is because by the early 1970s, 1/3 of the nation's drinking water was not safe to drink and 3/4 of the nation's lakes and coastal waters were not safe for swimming and fishing.

So, who did you get this particular stupid talking point from?

no body is interested in doing anything that is good for the environment or the planet

not the greens or the world environment lobby

they just want to corporate rape and destroy

mostly the green bodies are funded by rockerfellers

that's why they declared carbon(basic natural building block like oxygen or water) as a pollution

nobody is interested in real pollution or caring about the real environment except you and me

I am glad you see though this climate scam

most people just repeat the mantra

sad hey

research Bilderberg group to find out

owners of bp are Bilderberg

geo-engineering is responsible for weather change

Well this is global warming you might check the other environmental categories

AND where is the link to GW collapsing economies

There is no global cooling

Climate Realist, it is real. I posted a link yesterday under one of Kano's questions. - http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/natio...

Here is the MSDS for this chemical - http://www.hometalk.com/browser?link=+ht...

This is a very serious but very regional problem. Global warming, well, a global problem

What's that? Sorry, I was reading about Chris Christie and that bridge scandal.

And no links.

It looks like the environmental catastrophe in West Virginia is just something you made up.

OK! Some1Has has provided a link. I don't think that it can compare with global warming. A 1 m rise of sea level will inundate 1,810 square km of land in Gujarat, 1,220 square km in West-Bengal, 670 square km in Tamil Nadu, 550 square km in Andhra Pradesh, 480 square km in Orissa, 410 square km in Maharashtra, 290 square km in Karnataka, 160 square km in Goa, and 120 square km in Kerala


not a single question regarding it?

Not only is global warming hysteria causing economies to collapse, it is diverting attention from REAL environmental problems which will REALLY harm the environment.

The headline or two will quickly fade from this event and the media will still be talking about the global cooling that global warming has caused.