> Do you think scientists should be fired for tampering with data without cause?

Do you think scientists should be fired for tampering with data without cause?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I think they should myself.

Absolutely. A true scientist only has the search for pure truth no matter where the chips fall. Anything less, he is to be considered a sham. The greenies make heroes out of these evil monsters in smocks. Now let us see what our government does to honest true scientists.

Quote by Will Happer, Princeton University physicist, former Director of Energy Research at the Department of Energy: “I had the privilege of being fired by Al Gore, since I refused to go along with his alarmism....I have spent a long research career studying physics that is closely related to the greenhouse effect....Fears about man-made global warming are unwarranted and are not based on good science. The earth's climate is changing now, as it always has. There is no evidence that the changes differ in any qualitative way from those of the past.”


Joey: The Court turned down Cuccinelli's request for Mann's data submitted the Virginia University. That hardly is a victory for Mann. Ha! Ha! You have to learn about court proceedings. If the University would have handed over the documents then he could be possibly charged with fraud. Why do you think the university fought so hard to withhold the documents requested? Ha! Ha! HIDE THE DECLINE! And you simpletons take that as a victory.

First of all, you would need evidence that they tampered with the data without cause. Evaluate each data correction they made, and if these corrections were wrong, publish your results in Nature. If you can't do that, taking any actions against the scientists would be like charging someone for murdering the person you are talking to.

And tampering also implies intent. You need evidence of such intent.

The link is to another Op-Ed article that offers no support for the claims being made. Are you so naive as to take such an article at face value? Let us say, for the sake of the debate, that all that Jennifer Marohasy - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Ma... and http://bravenewclimate.com/2008/08/24/dr... , is saying is completely true and verified as being true. Jennifer is looking at one location for obtaining temperature data and tries to suggest it was altered to show the same amount of warming as on the global scale. Jennifer should know that not all locations on the planet will show the same amount of warming/cooling during the same time frame. Why try to suggest that all locations should show the exact same amount of warming/cooling? Should you seriously believe that the temperature data has been altered for unscrupulous reasons, then change all of the temperature data to show a 1 degree C global cooling since 1880. See if this will return all of the world's glaciers to their 1880 glory. I swear! The complete lack of critical thinking, by some on this blog, is enough to cause concern in of itself!

Actual tampering*? Hell, yes! Probably not necessary to fire them, the loss of reputation among their colleagues and funding bodies would be enough to scupper their careers in science.

*(As judged by impartial real scientists with expertise in the field of study)

If you mean tampering in the eyes of people who don't like science and never studied any or paid liars, then not so much.

I think firing should only be step one if the evidence is strong they did it. Step two should be criminal prosecution. Data tampering of temperature records is destruction of government property, not to mention fraud on the taxpayers that funded the research.

There is absolutely no reason to change well established records that are decades old other than for political reasons. These 'scientists' do not have a time machine to discern past temperatures better than the direct measurements originally taken.


Scientists who fake their data ARE harshly punished, especially by the rest of the scientific community. Their credibility is ruined and they can not expect to have any of their future papers published, and can loose their jobs or not get new research grants.

Amazingly, when Virginia D.A. Ken Cuccinelli tried prosecuting Michael Mann, Mann won. Like about every other case of let's try to crush the real scientists with lawsuits and overwhelm them with FOIL requests, deniers have lost the court battles. The *claim* that scientists have tampered with temperature records, often coupled with the absurd notion the handful of scientists got and destroyed every copy of every temperature record in the world, is only made by people who are incapable of understanding science, or who hope their readers are incapable of understanding science, to fall for such an absurd lie about how data is recorded, validated, massaged and re-validated. Have you never adjusted your scale to weigh "0" when no weight is on it? You have just manipulated data, because you have re-calibrated the scale. Now you won't get the true "raw" weight". That, essentially, is the argument you are making. It is not a good argument, not for bathroom scales, and not for scientific instruments.

Any scientist caught fudging the data is disgraced. His/her fellow scientists will never trust that scientist again. And such a scientist should be fired. Please note there is a difference between being wrong and being fraudulent. There is even a difference between being sloppy in your work and being fraudulent. (Ask Drs. Lindzen and Spencer, for example.) But there is NO excuse in science for faking data. And please note here that interpolating data is not the same as faking data.

Yeah, right, I'm dreaming - what are the odds one or more of you will suddenly realize what has actually been happening to the numbers, that scientists are trying to get the most accurate results they can manage? Well, guess what. The raw temperature data shows just about the same warming as the corrected data.


'bush, you say "Ken the Kook" couldn't muster up enough evidence to even begin a trial, and you are claiming that's a loss for Michael Mann!?

There is no reason for anyone to tamper with data unless they have a personal agenda. Fired, drawn and quartered then ...

The key word is 'cause'

They work with the data, you do not.

I think they should be banned from government funding and left to a blue collar job where they can barely make ends meet. Then be met with higher energy bills because of their crap.


I think they should myself.

Heads should roll LOL

Yes it is time we had some honesty and intergrity in government funded organisations, they are supposed to serve the public not deceive them.

How do you fire somebody who is forever looking for a job ?

They should be prosecuted and imprisoned for fraud, because that's what they've been doing.