> Do you consider fracking and energy independence as the greatest tragedy for the environment?

Do you consider fracking and energy independence as the greatest tragedy for the environment?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Fracking has not only become extremely safe, but you would think the warmers would be happy about using natural gas as it creates less CO2 emissions.

Just like, you would think they would be for nuclear power.

Just like, you would think they would be for hydro power.

Environmentalists, however, have absolutely no concern for the environment. And this AGW movement has been highjacked by environmentalists.

My source is a few years old now, but a study estimates that fracking releases 40 - 60% more methane into the atmosphere than traditional natural gas wells. To get to the point, "Methane traps 20 to 25 times more heat in the atmosphere than does carbon dioxide." So it will increase the rate of global warming. Of course to except this as an issue, you can't deny that climate change is caused by greenhouse gasses. But that is where I am coming from on fracking. It is safe and doesn't contaminate drinking water (except for accidents and what not, unrelated to the theory of fracking itself).

No Fracking started 1949 in Kansas . The ones that are against

it think its new .

No It improves quality of life. Furthermore, just as Russia is using its natural gas supplies to achieve its foreign policy aims, fracking is lowering oil and gas prices, and this is wrecking the economies of Russia and Iran.

Yes I do. They are poisining the ground water and destablizing the faults. Being done around my area and destroyed alot of wells.

Energy independence, certainly not. Let's see ISIS cut off our supply of sunlight, or of thorium.


Even if more than 98% of geologists say that fracking is safe and does no harm to the water table, do you think fracking is dangerous because it unlocks vast reserves of fossil fuels that drive the cost of oil down and give people the ability to keep more of their money, money that will be used to buy bigger SUV's and consume more fuel?