> Define global warming?

Define global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
what are green house gasses

It is the increase of the earth's temperature.

The name says it all, really. Due to various gases being present in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and ozone, the heat from the sun is trapped, rather than reflected. This layer of insulation causes the earth's temperatures to rise (minutely, only a few degrees), however such a change has a massive effect on sea levels, ecosystems etc.

This process is actually called the greenhouse effect, and global warming is the result. :) :)

A gradual increase in the earth's average surface temperature. Greenhouse Gas: A gas, like CO2, which traps the sun's heat.

A myth. Greenhouse gasses are emitted from the mouths of environuts.

Allegedly any gas that changes the natural composition of the atmosphere, as to make light reflect back towards the earth.... But yeah mostly CO2 which would actually stimulate plant growth, cause more oxygen production, and thus the balance is naturally maintained.

Rising temperatures, how is it possible that some people doesn't even know what the global warming is... Oh my god!!!!!!!!!

what are green house gasses