> Could my cousin be reported as a runaway?

Could my cousin be reported as a runaway?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I don't think so :/ once she's 18 she's legal to do what ever she wants (execpt drink).

People move. That's kinda what happens when they grow up. They move out of the house, out of town, out of state, out of country! Some states consider as young as 16 able to move out.

Runaway is anyone that is a minor that leaves the home to reside elsewhere without permission or knowledge of the guardian.

The only thing that could be done if your cousin moved away (assuming she didn't tell anyone) is a missing person report. Since she will be an adult, the police cannot force her to return. All they will do is, ask her if she is safe, tell her a missing person report was filed, and tell the person that filed the report that she is was found. The police may or may not be allowed to say where she was spotted, depending on department policies.

Yes, you could report her. But you would be in big legal trouble. She would not.

no.once your 18 you can do what ever you want to do.

In about two months my cousin will be turning 18. If let's say she happened to leave or move to a different state on her own, could she be reported as a runaway? I told her she could be reported as a runaway just to scare her, but could she be reported as a runaway even though she's about to be 18?