> Climate change will CO2 green the planet?

Climate change will CO2 green the planet?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You would think more CO2 would yield more greening of the planet, which would then produce more O2 to moderate the CO2 increase. I have heard this from prominent climate scientist, who would probably be labelled alarmist as he has published papers suggesting the high end of the IPCC sensitivity level and even higher, >7C.

ClimateRealist, John Cook is the source of the picture. So are you going to contribute to Cook's legal defense fund when Cook gets sued by Cook?

It appears he made a bunch of pictures as a joke about how skeptics think. They see people as Nazis, and they are the 300 Spartans fighting against all odds.

No. Sea level rise will add a blue hue to the planet and expanding deserts will add a brown hue to the planet. Combining the two will result in the planet being more olive drab.

If calling John Cook a Nazi isn't denigrating the source, I don't know what is.

And because you call John Cook a Nazi, your question has been reported and you are blocked.

And I hope that John Cook sues the source of your picture for everything they have, just like Michael Mann is suing the people who called him a pedophile.

< John Cook is the source of the picture. So are you going to contribute to Cook's legal defense fund when Cook gets sued by Cook?>

Even if what Kano says is true, if he could find out who hacked it, he could still sue the hacker and also send his information to the authorities for criminal prosecution. Anyways, I think that either Kano is lying or it is a denialist blog that says that John Cook admitted to creating the picture.


The evidence says that it makes deserts expand. A warming Earth is an Earth with fewer clouds. And where do you think rain comes from.


Really, you quote studies from the 1970s? Scientists have learned things since then, believe it or not.

The effect of excess CO2 is not completely straightforward, and varies quite a bit depending on many different variables. For example it varies a lot depending on the type of plant, the type of environment in which the plant lives, and the direct changes in the climate that an enhanced CO2 atmosphere causes.


It's a complicated question that can literally fill many textbooks. It is a very nuanced scientific topic and this reality exists no matter how inconvenient it happens to be for your political agenda. I know it's not fun to believe that things can be complex and fuzzy, much more fun to rant about how it's all propaganda, and the thousands of variables that affect the field of botany are just "liberal" lies.

You desperately want to boil it down to a simple 4 word soundbite, don't you. Unfortunately the world doesn't revolve around your bipolar politics, and sometimes it does actually help to be open minded and appreciate that just because something is a little unclear and uncertain, it doesn't automatically require a paranoid conspiracy theory to explain why it isn't totally cut and dried: sometimes things just aren't so black/white.

Kano This is just another BS denier organization

Satellite research says it has already done so
