> Cause of petrol price rising?

Cause of petrol price rising?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Environmentalists want people to pay more for gasoline, as in their religion it is better for people to not drive cars and instead use public transportation.

Actually it's coming down at the moment. The price always goes up in the spring and then comes down in the fall. Supply and demand. If nobody drove their cars the price would drop like a stone. But one of the biggest discussions in the Federal Government and the states is to raise the gasoline tax. The actual consumption nation wide has been dropping every year because the mileage on the cars has been increasing and the roads are literally falling apart because of no money to repair them.

Apparently it depends on your geographical location.

Petrol prices in the U.S. have been falling for some time. In the central U.S. gasoline price is currently around $2.90 usd per imperial gallon ( 4.5 liters)

This low price is probably primarily due to the recent temporary shutdown of most U.S. government agency's.

Less government interference always results in more efficient commerce.

The continuing trend to switch U.S. electrical power plants from coal & oil to cheaper Natural gas fuel may also be a contributing factor.

"In the US, we have an administration that is at war with fossil fuels." Really???

The facts shows that under Obama oil production in the U.S. has gone up [1] (while falling under Bush) The Wall street Journal even claims "U.S. oil production grew more in 2012 than in any year in the history of the domestic industry, which began in 1859, and is set to surge even more in 2013."

Amazingly he even got two thumbs up for that ridiculous answer....


"that increase was on private lands" What more cherry-picking by the deniers, what a surprise... The Organic Act of 1916 created the National Park Service "to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and wildlife therein, and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations." That is not a "war on fossil fuels, that is upholding the law.

Quotes by Sagebrush "Execute all those who voted for Obama", "Justice and equality are code words for Communism.", "Hire the handicapped, they are fun to watch!"

Prico, that increase was on private lands. Get your facts straight. The Obama administration has done everything to curtail the pumping of oil, even against court order. He is trying to figure a way to curtail oil production, even on private lands. Just look at the Keystone pipeline, for example. TSK! TSK! How naive can you get?

Jennifer has got most of it right. Jim Z is right on.

It is the intent of the 'saviors of the earth' to increase prices of energy, anyway they can.

Quote by Paul Ehrlich, professor, Stanford University: “Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.”

As long as you have that mentality in officialdom, you will have high prices for various reasons.

In the US, we have an administration that is at war with fossil fuels. Their stated intent has been to drive up the costs. They did this by making it difficult through stages from oil development through refining from regulations in EPA to denying permits. In some places like North Dakota, development on private land boomed and the DemocRATS even tried to take credit for it in spite of the fact that they were in fact just getting in the way. Obama lied to the American people before the last election about his energy policy but some people, (alarmists) seem to like to be lied to. Socialism has a high cost. Centralized planning doesn't work very well.

Supply (declining, despite the fracking boom) and demand growing.

Nothing to do with climate change, Obama, the price of pork bellies, or the Protocol Elder Reptilian Literacy Plot.

they keep it as high as the market can bear .. it varies by country actually ..


This has got to be one of those alarmist giveme questions.

supply/demand, cost of digging it up, refining

and because oil companies can.