> Can we measure solar cooling and/or heating?

Can we measure solar cooling and/or heating?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Do we do that?

How much has been measured?

Does it support the daily claim of solar cooling?

There are several methods. We can measure the incoming radiation directly with a bolometer or thermopile. We can measure sections of the spectrum accurately with photoelectric detectors that cover overlapping ranges *at least 4 are needed to span from UV to IR. These measurements can be done at ground level, if corrections for atmospheric effects are included. Satellite measurements a technically more difficult, but give better data. The oceans are a huge heat sink that can be used as a calorimeter. The oceans provide an excellent measure of total solar irradiance reaching the earth's surface as they cover more than half of the surface area.

Our measuring is improving, however there are many other factors involved, it is not down to simple cooling or warming, we know total solar radiation does not alter much, but extreme ultraviolet does, does ultraviolet have a big effect on climate we don't yet know. also solar wind and AP magnetic changes occur this alters how cosmic rays reach Earth, we have historic records of this with C14 and Be10 dating. cosmic rays are thought to change cloud cover, but is this significant, well as yet we do not know.

Your question may be answered in the next several decades, as it looks like we are entering a less active solar activity period, where we will able to monitor the effects and changes and hopefully get some answers.

You need to turn up your Leftwing speaker, and try from 02:21 in the link below.

Little Darling, it's been so long since its been here.

Doo en doo doo.

No, not accurately, but we can measure your mental melt down.

if we do ,what do we compare it to and what difference would it make to waist this money on this .

Do we do that?

How much has been measured?

Does it support the daily claim of solar cooling?