> Can the science of Gravity be compared to the "science" of so-called global warming?

Can the science of Gravity be compared to the "science" of so-called global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Gravity is a very highly repeatable and predictable physical phenomenon. With the main factors of mass and distance, you can calculate the results and compare empirically with the same results each and every time. Not so much with the temperatures of our globe.

Warmers also like to extrapolate AGW skeptics as those that do not believe in evolution. I believe this could no further from logic. Evolution has been observed, predicted and repeated on many scales of organism biological investigation. Although not always fully understood from a causal standpoint it’s existence is empirical and direct. On the other hand, belief in the creation (as described by the KJ Bible) is not scientific based or supported and has, of course, never been observed. To support it, therefore, requires a leap in faith. AGW is much the same way. You cannot disprove the many other potential causes and the fact that it has not been predictable. Therefore, it takes a leap of faith to believe it exists.

There is an almost exact parallel between proposed co2 driven global warming & the increasing gravitational effect of the thousand tonnes or so of cosmic dust & debris that falls on Earth every 24 hours.

Increasing the co2 level of the air SHOULD result in retaining more heat.

Increasing the mass of the Earth SHOULD increase its gravity.

But in both cases the increase is so insignificant in relation to the original content or mass that its overwhelmed by natural variation & measurement errors.

Since the Earths mass has presumably been steadily increasing for 4.5 billion years & the co2 content gos up & down periodically, I'm betting that the increasing gravity theory is the better bet.

Since gravity seems to be the buzz word for the day, I'm going down to the antique store to buy a hundred year old scale & get on it to see how much I would have weighed in 1914.

Both were accepted because of evidence.

Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


It isn't about "insulation." It is humorous how alarmists try to demonstrate how informed they are. In fact, they want to belong to the Church of AGW, actually it is a branch of the Church of Leftism, so they pontificate and preach and generally make fools of themselves trying to convince other like minded individuals that they belong.

We have learned a great deal about the natural world but gravity is one of those things that should humble us. We don't understand it. Sure, we know that an apple falling from a tree will hit us on the head if we aren't careful, and Newton even made amazing formulas that calculated it so accurately, that many thought it was fully understood. Then Einstein showed Newton's "law" was wrong. IMO, even Einstein's theory of curved space/time is a bit of a shot in the dark and may be more about math than reality.

I doubt your claims, you can't even lie convincingly

Sure. We have no idea why masses attract. And it gets even uglier at the quantum level.

Not if you're going to be inaccurate about it, no.

There is actual science involved, and it is not simply believing something, but a process that includes the properties of various gases, such as their insulating effect.

Deniers don't know science at all

it's all faith based assumptions

Many times people compare gravity to global warming stating that if you don't accept the science of so-called "global warming" then you are also a denier of gravity. However I can calculate how fast an object is traveling, it's velocity, the distance traveled, the time left before it reaches the ground on any celestial body. With global warming, people just believe it will be warmer. Is a comparison even possible?