> Education on climate science from "one side" of the argument?

Education on climate science from "one side" of the argument?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I am sure all aspects of climate science including the skeptics point of view would not be taught, and it would end up as a propanganda exercise, how to brainwash students.

Help me admiral akbar, it's a trap!

Yes it's one sided, and now I know what the thunderous sound if one hand clapping is like, it's deafening.

Maurice strong, head of the UN one world religion council came to the conclusion that all religions can be joined under a form if earth worship. A global tax in the name of global warming would fund a global government of unelected rulers that would trump national law.

Agenda 21 behind the green mask

The deliberate dumbing down if america

Michael chriton speech on global warming.

Garbage warrior

Global gardener the dry lands

Sepp holzer tamera, deserts if paradise

Rodgers moerou "into the occult"

"The energy non crisis"

Confessions of an economic hit man

According to PISA, 22 countries have better science education programmes than the US. And yet the US spends the most per student ...

Those 22 countries teach science. They don't teach 'what I sort of believe because I read it on a blog and I agree because someone said something once about taxes'.

If by "liberal" you mean that some states actually believe that children should learn subjects like science and math, I'm all for being liberal.

It's good that some states still believe in the separation of Church and State, even though the U.S. Supreme Court seems to have trouble with the idea.

…16Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. 17Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months. 18Then he prayed again, and the sky poured rain and the earth produced its fruit.

God is in control of the weather says the polar vortex in July for the Midwest

What "other side" could honest educators present?

So US states with better informed, more enlightened populations and legislators are more keen to ensure good science education for their kids than those with closed minds, who prefer opinion-based 'science'.

Who would have predicted that?

Yet another attempt to brainwash young, innocent, children by the global warming

The “two arguments” are: teach science and do not teach science.

You are clearly on the side that opposes teaching science. Why are you ashamed to admit it?

Ya know, climate change from one side of the argument,

is kind of like, evolution from one side of the argument.

There is only one side that's honest science.

As far as liberal states adopting NGSS, that's probably to be expected.

And on the other side, we have states like Texas, and Kansas, and Mississippi,

where they're not real sure that the earth is more than 8,000 years old.

And, of course, for Kentucky, we have, Brandon Smith.

And we're so eagerly awaiting a question not a posed statement...


" ... California, Delaware, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Nevada, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, and the District of Columbia have adopted the Next Generation Science Standards, which were developed by national science and education organizations. ... "

The most liberal states in the U.S.?

" ... Arizona, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, New Mexico, and South Dakota are contemplating adopting the NGSS. ... "

11 States with 6 more contemplating the idea. Hmmm? Isn't there 57 States according to Obama's education? That would make up less than 20% of all of the States.

" ... The bill of rights states that students have the right to the highest-quality science education, free of political interference, and should be able to explore the causes and consequences of climate change and learn that meaningful solutions exist. ... "

I guess this author doesn't understand where the IP CC was born. It was a political strategy by Margaret Thatcher from Great Britain which was designed to make nuclear energy the sole energy resource in order to take away the control of GB's energy security from oil cartels (Mid-East) and coal miners.

The highest quality?