> How long do we have to save the planet?

How long do we have to save the planet?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Whenever alarmists are confronted with their failed predictions they just go to their standard...."Well, the science was new then. Now we have a much better understanding of the climate so our new prediction is super accurate."

To get the right answer you have to ask the right question. How long will it be before the most over populated parts of the world no longer have the ability to provide food, water, medical services and appropriate housing for the major part of that population? At the current rate of population growth and the obvious changes in what has been a 'standard climate' venue some areas will be by default 'sacrifice areas'. At this point even a minor change in climate as it effects agriculture means a death sentence for 1/3 of the world's population....worst case. Climate change does not mean that everything is getting hotter, though that is the end game. What it means is that over the next several decades the growing seasons are not predictable, and that means massive problems that have no obvious solutions.

Denying this change won't change the outcome for the human population. Too much rain, not enough rain, longer summers, shorter winters or the reverse has already upset the social order in large parts of what we call the 3rd world. So far, so good, but relying on luck usually means bad luck. NOT reducing our rate of fossil fuel burning will result in a faster rate of climate change, but even a major reduction won't change the end result over time. The 'planet' isn't in danger, but a lot of people already are.

Penny Sackitt is an extreme environmentalist. I'm 90% sure her and Al Gore had coffee at some point in time. This is where most of the extreme cases come from. They listen to Y/A cultists like "antarcticice", "pegminer", Gary F, "Hey Dook", "linlyons", and the like-minded (... or is it the other way around?).

No more than 5 1/2 months according to her.

Should the Government of Australia cart her off to the asylum after this "insane" statement? They should, but Governments are riddled with extremists just like her. She is one good reason why the science is screwed up. Women are highly emotional creatures and it seems more women are involved with reporting "climate issues" nowadays than I have ever seen. It's not an "emotional" issue. It's "fact-based" and climate science doesn't "know" the facts.

The Planet earth has been saved. My Triple Output solution implemented by another Nation turned off Global Warming (Cause was a ALIEN Organism) the turn off somehow triggered Haley's Comet into returning its memory banks to when it was launched in the early 1950's to colliding with the incoming so- called Asteroid. I received pictures from The Hubble Telescope of the aftermath. By the way the collision in deep space was dubbed THE BIG BANG 13 years from earth. 10 large chunks drifting in different directions away from earth 13 years from EARTH. Earth is now SAFE from the so-called ASTEROID. Global Command

I'm going with 30 seconds for 1000 alex, I see the same old warmunists are still here, haven't missed a thing I see in the last 3 months

In the 1980s they said We had 10 years it passed by and nothing happened passed through a bunch of so called tippings

points nothing happened . Did Harold Camping check the numbers and dont forget the 2012 end of world cult

Save the planet from what. If you mean global warming then there is no need to try and save the planet from anything because there is nothing to stop. If you mean alians than were probibly safe but you never know.

Saving the planet would be actually senseless if after that we go back to torture it. Taking care of it would be a much better term because it is a continuous process.

Must be a denier.

People concerned about global warming, who have done a minimum amount of trying to understand it, would never ask such a question, or answer in a way that deniers would like.

BUT, with every passing day, it gets more difficult, and more expensive to fix.

Interesting how deniers don't want to spend a dime today, but gazillions in the future is just fine.

Sackett is a Twit and is not qualified to speak to any issue in the area of climate science.

We have as long as it takes. And we have forever to mess up the planet.


Not long! :'(