> Are Calif farmers liberal scare mongers?

Are Calif farmers liberal scare mongers?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I think it is time that we stop paying farmers subsidies for their water. I know politicians depend on the kickback in donations that come from big Ag but if we just did that simple thing farmers would have to be more efficient with their water. Everybody should pay what it costs. Alarmists have an extremely short attention span. It wasn't so long ago that California had wet years and the CO2 concentrations weren't much different then. The willingness to grab anything to exaggerate for the cause is instructive.

It is rather hard to find malaria in other than skeptic sites. Alarmists should feel shame about that. Just to show you it isn't made up, look at this link and search for malaria.


one was


another enlightening article.


Here it gives the range of anopholes


Climate cultists needs to decide on his religion. They are conflicting. He claims warming causes droughts and links to a graph with low level clouds that don't correlate to warming or our CO2 emissions.

Would you like this in the style of a typical alarmist answer where nothing substantive is addressed but we get a rubbishing otf the source, people's qualifications, affiliations etc. Or would you like something more sensible?

There were some interesting points in the film. The talk of problems with the cherry crop were real at the time of the recording, it appears, but the crop "rebounded late in the season". Perhaps that was actuially a weather problem and not a climate one.

Ground salt. This has been a problem since California was under the sea - so not a recent problem then. Certainly not due to the the current bout of climate change.

Sea level will rise 18" in 40 years it was claimed. The reports I have seen suggest that 5" might be a better estimate.

Increase in bugs: We constantly hear about this "problem". Often from the people who think malaria is a tropical disease. Quite why one of the largest outbreaks was in Siberia must be a mystery. We had all the posturing about climate change including the fact that the insects were now in Manitoba. Is Manitoba now as warm as California was a few years ago? If not, there could be another reason apart from the heat. That was when they discussed the halving of crop spraying. That saves money all round, they said. Yes, but it is obviously not deterring the insects.

Water: I don't want to wade in (did you see what I did there?) to the California water situation. I don't know anywhere where things have been made so complicated. Environmentalists want to preserve a tiny fish. This affects the decisions made about controlling the water supply. There is also the problem that land owners have a right to divert water crossing their property for their own use. That was OK until the state bought thousands of acres of land and turned the downstream area into a "dustbowl" according to Wikipedia.

Was that where the farms were based, I wondered?

One of the reasons cited for water shortages was that it is too expensive to pump. Sorry, "Sunshine State", Solar Power. Something is not adding up here. Is solar power not as good as people claim? Surely, electricity must be nearly free. For water pumping storage would be less of a problem too.

With all that coast line and free energy could not desalination plants be used? Just keep them away from that fault line.

In conclusion, interesting film but failed to make any good points in my view.

EDIT. I believe that malaria was prevalent in the UK, Scandinavia and North America - all well-known tropical paradises. It thrives on poverty not warmth.

The insects that over-wintered in Manitoba in 2012 were the ones that ate the potatoes every 30 years in California. You did watch it to the end?

So, I ask again, was Manitoba, in 2012, as warm as California only a few years before? If not then how can you claim that warming is a problem causing the insect infestation. Lack of spraying insecticides sounds much more likely to me.

I thought warming caused more precipitation not less?

Linlyons: You are not the brightest light bulb. Malaria is not a tropical disease. This once plagued The US. Just look at the history books. One of the biggest dreads of the wagon trains. The 'Little House on the Prarie' author, Laura Ingalls Wilder's sister caught it when she helped her dad get watermelons in South Dakota. That is far from the tropics. I know you greenies like to change alter facts and history, but moving South Dakota into the tropics is a little too far fetched. The eastern portion of Iowa was considered uninhabital at one time due to Malaria. You are way off base.

Thanks for the links, they make excellent points. Water is an issue, as is population and demographics, as is food production and land use, all of which are being effected by the planets warming.

California is one example of the many, but California's example is important because it is the fruit basket of North America, it has a population as large as the population of Canada (a country larger than the US), it is part of the developed world and can't be excused as a third world anomaly.

I understand the frustration of Hey Dook when some refuse to look at the evidence, but when they admit that deserts can't be irrigated for ever and that population is becoming a problem, the deniers are admitting that things are changing and one of those things is the climate.

America the Beautiful?

Droughts are also caused by "Global Cooling" or did that get lost somewhere in the environmentalist's lame brains too?

So what happened to science teaching how the atmosphere was so arid and the Planet had much more life 250 million years ago when CO2 levels were 5x what they are now? Is that a lie too?

Climate Unrealist - Droughts have always been part of the climate cycles. Some are worse than others. Nowadays the severity isn't based on temperature. It is based on dollar amounts. How would you go back and measure the severity of the massive drought in China in the 1870s where people were eating people to stay alive?

Nice article, Lin. It's about as objective as one from the Heritage Foundation. I heard they are doing some really good environmental research themselves.

The main problem facing California farmers is a lack of water. The problems with water supply and salting out were inevitable. You simply cannot irrigate a dessert forever. The water supply problem comes from population growth, not some nebulous bogey man. California has not kept up with water infrastructure as their population increased. Also, they need to bring water in from remote sources. Those sources are limited, even in a good year.

In addition to the fact that California has had to deal with drought long before the industrial revolutiion and the invention of Catastrophic, Man-made Global Warming......California has too large a population. Natural sources of water are not able to keep up with the demand for drinking, manufacturing and irrigation needs.

I feel no sympathy for those complaining on this issue.

Irresponsible gluttony has no happy ending.

How many times have you said America is not the world, well California is not even America, your talking about a place that has had hundred year droughts in the past even before the industrial revolution.

There is no global warming taking place, and crops will suffer through all the cold the contiguous U.S. has had this winter/spring.

The fact is California is way to way overpolpulated.

There have been heat waves in California before.

Crops that are being subsidized with cheap water should lose their subsidies. You really don't have to grow rice in California. Grow it where there is lots of water.

Well spotted James the same boon contains several chapters on the CO2 problem including this one.

Come cherry picking in my orchard anytime.



This is what is really happening to the food that we all eat.

Is there really any honest denial that global warming is a serious problem?

Beats me, I don't procure any produce from that sector. I grow my own. Maybe they should learn how to manage what resources they do have. Borrowing on a old clique; its not what you have, but how you use it.

Typical blow by, alarmist just aren't that bright.

Now that slowly but surely the facts are becoming overwhelming, notice how the deniers have started to use the 'alarmism' accusation often combined with the typical 'it has happened before' claim.

They are still stuck in denial mode while the world has moved on, rejecting each and every one of the scientific discoveries and advancements in climate science which they perceive as being supportive of what they plainly reject. "Equatorial Climate" becomes 'greenie driven propaganda', the latest IPCC report is 'just more alarmism' and simply stating that droughts in California happened before allows them to avoid the deeper issues while pretending to be informed.

And you must have just been born yesterday or think that the rest of us were born yesterday. California has a very long history of cyclic heat and drought. It's part of the Pacific and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillations.


Denialists would like us to believe that the answer is yes. But the truth is that drought is a serious threat caused by global warming.


Who said anything about proof?


Tell that to your fellow denialists who have been making a big deal about the cold winter. Yes, there have always been droughts. Warming just causes more droughts.


The Babylonian Hollow Moon Warmist Democrat Reptilians thrive in the hot California Central Valley where they holographically mind bend politicians to close pipelines, clog aqueducts, and disable sprinkler systems. Then they fake scientific reports showing a long term decline in the Sierra snowpack, and brainwash school children by teaching them evil things like evolution, climate change science, reading, writing, math, etc. Nothing can be done except to spend one's life on line copy-pasting Wattsup and praying to the Holy Koch Brothers that the socialist scientists can be put in prison for trying to kill farming with their socialist alarmism.