> Almost 1,500 record low temps, some shattering records over 100 years old. Was this due to so-called "global warmin

Almost 1,500 record low temps, some shattering records over 100 years old. Was this due to so-called "global warmin

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes. According to "believers" LITERALLY ALL phenomena of ALL kinds are because of and proof of global warming.

There is absolutely no doubt that is 1, 500 record highs were recorded available as one day breaking records over 100 years old, believers would say that had been proof that the planet was warming. Why doesn't and the second hold true? Why don't they believe that a list cold climate is showing that the planet isn't warming much more?

Freak weather events still happen. Global warming doesn't stop weather.

But, how many record low vs record high temperatures were broken over the past, let's say, year? That's what will tell you whether the record temperatures are evidence of warming or cooling. Show me *that* number, and we can talk. 1,500 sounds like a big number, but does that include every podunk farming town? Because I'd bet there are several orders of magnitude more than 1,500 possible high/low temperature records to break, so your 1,500 records in one day could very easily be just a drop in the bucket.

"Global Warming was an unfortunate label everyone latched onto." Actually, it worked quite well while the earth was warming. Unfortunately, the earth quit warming around 2000. Now the collective Chicken Littles must find some other way to frighten us.

Yes, record cold is a result of global warming. It has to do with a typhoon which came through three weeks ago. Just ask the experts. No snowfall in the U.K. is also a result of global warming, so are record snowfalls.

Personally, I like the term "global climate shennanigans." That covers everything that could possibly happen.

Not only that, but it has gotten warmer over 100+ years. So the chances of getting a low record is much lower when you are working with a warmer base. You should see much more high records than low records. Even 50-50 high low is unusual, as is 75-25. It's basic math.

Global Warming was an unfortunate label everyone latched onto. It's more about climate change and the increase in extremes.

We also broke a major number of record high temps in the same period. Numbers of and intensity of violent storms are increasing too. Droughts are getting worse, etc, etc. It's pretty undeniable that the world's weather is changing. the questions, though are why is that and what can we do about it.

the opposite doesn't hold true because that's not science.

Erratic weather is just what climate scientists predicted.

The Antarctic has record cold while the Arctic is still melting at an alarming rate.

The combined average temperature over global land and ocean surfaces for September 2014 was the highest on record for September, at 0.72°C (1.30°F) above the 20th century average of 15.0°C (59.0°F).

The global land surface temperature was 0.89°C (1.60°F) above the 20th century average of 12.0°C (53.6°F), the sixth highest for September on record. For the ocean, the September global sea surface temperature was 0.66°C (1.19°F) above the 20th century average of 16.2°C (61.1°F), the highest on record for September and also the highest on record for any month.

The combined global land and ocean average surface temperature for the January–September period (year-to-date) was 0.68°C (1.22°F) above the 20th century average of 14.1°C (57.5°F), tying with 1998 as the warmest such period on record.

It's climate change; they just got the name wrong, not the concept.

It is sad that some people so eager to believe that they really believe extreme cold is from warming. Weather is weather but blaming weather on our CO2 emissions is really dumb.

Very VERY few. Google it. Its not hard, really...

It is 0 for North America and Central America combined

There's no doubt that is 1,500 record highs were recorded in one day breaking records over 100 years old, believers would say that was proof that the planet was warming. Why doesn't the opposite hold true? Why don't they believe that a record cold climate is showing that the planet isn't warming any more?

and how many hot records over the planet?

Actually, yes. Extreme weather is caused by global warming.

who cares anymore?
