> Will global warming get better of worse?

Will global warming get better of worse?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What global warming?

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Well does get better mean it's going to get warmer or cooler?

For now global warming has stalled. Meanwhile the estimates for how much warming will happen have been coming down, with several recent papers hovering around the 1.5C range.

It could come down some more, as basic physics says doubling CO2 will produce around 1.2C of warming. If Nature has negative feedbacks built in, then the amount of warming will be less than that, and global warming will cease to be an issue. Most people would consider that getting better, but for those invested in Global Warming, that would be worse.

Global warming is one of the major concern of the everyone in this world. There are many reason behind global warming such as the increase of pollution, the more use of chloro fluro carbon gases are depleting the layer day by day which is increasing at an higher rate. It is rather increasing at a huge rate.

I'm not worried about global warming, cooling is much worse and with sun entering minimum sunspot cycles, it could cooler soon.

It'll probably get worse. A report released yesterday showed that the global emission of greenhouse gases is still continuing to rise (despite Copenhagen 2009's plans) so we can only hope that it does get better soon!

Well AGW is expected to go beyond 21--. What does that tell you??????????